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  1. iBibah

    HSC Physics Marathon 2013-2015 Archive

    re: HSC Physics Marathon Archive lol forgot to change the bob at the start Essentially, yes
  2. iBibah

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    its alright man not everyone knows about aligning.
  3. iBibah

    HSC Physics Marathon 2013-2015 Archive

    re: HSC Physics Marathon Archive Question: Bob bought a new drill. He attempts to drill through concrete, but as the concrete is hard, the drill slows right down. However Chris holds the trigger, waiting for it to drill though. Explain why Chris is an idiot. (3 marks).
  4. iBibah

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    I *think* he's trying to say out mark won't be our raw mark, but rather an aligned mark which essentially represents our performance relative to the rest of the cohort, hence the use of the word "rank". So basically, our mark gets aligned lol.
  5. iBibah

    Studies of Religion Progress

  6. iBibah

    MC Q19 Physics 2012

    Deliriously does it make sense now?
  7. iBibah


    I think it would be better to say they're negligible rather than they don't exist.
  8. iBibah


    lol it was a question to make you think. The eddy currents are in fact reduced, however in terms of the hsc, we are meant to say they're so small they're negligible.
  9. iBibah


    Won't there still be eddy currents, they're just smaller though?
  10. iBibah

    Need motivation

    Lol chances are OP wont even read half of these let alone suddenly be motivated.
  11. iBibah

    Sciences All Nyter Thread

    Really, there is nothing stopping you from answering the questions to a different option.
  12. iBibah

    Need motivation

    While you slack off, there will be ones who you were once superior too in that subject. When you meet come exam day, they will beat you. (but yeh im slacking off a bit too lol)
  13. iBibah

    MC Q19 Physics 2012

    $This is technically incorrect. Lower resistance does in fact reduce resistive heating, but not the 'net resistive heating'. It's important to consider the following (as Menomaths said):$\\\\(1)~V=IR$ and $(2)~P(loss)=I^{2}R\\\\$Now, assuming voltage is constant, if we decrease resistance...
  14. iBibah

    MC Q19 Physics 2012

    But is it faster heat?
  15. iBibah

    MC Q19 Physics 2012

    It never asked for the most heat though, it said most rapidly.
  16. iBibah

    lol you're a sly one i must say. Good luck with your 88+, i hope you reach it, not matter how...

    lol you're a sly one i must say. Good luck with your 88+, i hope you reach it, not matter how far it seems to be :) :)
  17. iBibah

    Sciences All Nyter Thread

    Pm if you need chem notes, even though I don't do it, I have like 3 high quality sets if notes for it :) Even if it's just for a dot point or two.
  18. iBibah

    Sciences All Nyter Thread

    What option does everyone do for physics ??
  19. iBibah

    [POLL] How hard did you find the exam?

    What's a bullshit question ? Lol