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  1. DanS

    Air Rifles

    Whah.... nobody cares :( But don't worry 'cos I've lost my interest in them again!
  2. DanS

    Minor details to look out for during Ps test

    Make sure your boot is shut properly That how i failed my test R U Serious?
  3. DanS

    How necessary is historiography?

    Wow, congrats! :) Did you do up study notes?
  4. DanS

    Organising sheets and things

    Filing cabinet. Used to be in folders but even they can't cope..... I do Modern History and Legal Studies online - with Moodle - so I print off a lot of resources, assignments, extracts from textbook etc. This results in a lot of booklets and loose sheets lying about, which you can easily...
  5. DanS

    4 period from 6 period days

    We do 6 periods a day at 53 mins each.... seems to work OK
  6. DanS

    Breaking the law or: how I learned to stop worrying and dressing like a 14 year old

    Re: Breaking the law or: how I learned to stop worrying and dressing like a 14 year o Good luck with finding ppl that will make friends with a 'person' who sleeps under the desks in the computer lab....
  7. DanS

    Air Rifles

    Anyone here own/use an air rifle? Not that I do... yet... but I just came across a few old Cabelas catalogues the other day and now I really want one. Also... is it illegal to import them into Australia? Do you need a gun licence etc? Please comment! :)
  8. DanS

    How do you eat your Oreos?

    Heck, eating oreos was a much less complicated matter until I came across this thread...
  9. DanS

    I'm Joining the HSC Journal Bandwagon

    Hey, 'scuse my ignorance, but when you refer to 'finishing dot points' you're talking about dot points from the syllabus, right? Thanx
  10. DanS

    What sort of qualities are needed in a School Captain?

    Essentially, our school remains secular, but indirectly is very Christian orientated. That is, we don't incorporate our religious life into our school life, but the values of Christianity are upheld within the school. I am one of the Plymouth Brethren. Check out the following website about our...
  11. DanS

    Help, advice and encouragement needed!!

    I know this contradicts what I said earlier but I truly had a good laugh when I saw the second post...:) no hard feelings Mr Achiever!
  12. DanS

    What sort of qualities are needed in a School Captain?

    The above certainly does not sound funny - all those values are also important at my school, thanks for input!
  13. DanS

    I'm going to cry. I need help with Legal Studies asap

    Please don't. It messes up the keyboard. Please specify where you are needing help! :)
  14. DanS

    What sort of qualities are needed in a School Captain?

    who? EDIT - sorry I get it - the SC shouldn't be an idiot! I'd have to call on eye-witnesses to determine if I fall under that category!
  15. DanS

    2013 HSC Results/ATAR banter!

    okay, that's accurate enough for me at this stage
  16. DanS

    What sort of qualities are needed in a School Captain?

    Nup. He's actually talking about the fact that he is probably not going to be SC. That's okay. I can study while they make the CC coffee & polish his shoes.:wink:
  17. DanS

    2013 HSC Results/ATAR banter!

    Yeah, OK... how good are those ATAR calculators?
  18. DanS

    What sort of qualities are needed in a School Captain?

    So, HSCers are doing speeches tomorrow and then the kids and teachers are going to vote for two School Captains - male & female. Briefly, what do you look for in a School Captain? thanx