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    "Stephenie Meyers can't write" - Stephen King

    No. But plenty of people hate on Britney, Lady Gaga etc. Even though they are clearly better than them. Power + Money > everything k.
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    stupidest reasons for dumping someone

    Shit troll is shit.
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    Victorian Cop Sacked For Not Being A Prick

    Thank you for that utterly useless contribution to this thread.
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    "Stephenie Meyers can't write" - Stephen King

    Richer. Has more influence. Is more famous. BETTER THAN YOU.
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    "Stephenie Meyers can't write" - Stephen King

    Ahahaha no, it's just pretty sad that people ITT are hating on someone who by any measure in society, is better than them ;)
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    Favourite Seinfeld Ep/Moment

    I will, and I will laugh long and heartily, and I will think of you.
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    Victorian Cop Sacked For Not Being A Prick

    Kind of hard to take someone seriously when they swear in an argument. Anyone who doesn't do what they're supposed to do, unless it's a matter of life and death, deserves the consequences.
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    Favourite Seinfeld Ep/Moment

    If your HSC really is 2005, stop bullying our ignorance grampaw.
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    Victorian Cop Sacked For Not Being A Prick

    You really need your mouth washed out with soap. If a motorist was caught driving 80km/h in a 60km/h speed zone, the sergeant allegedly falsely increased the speed limit to 70km/h so the driver would be fined less and receive one instead of three demerit points off his licence. He lied.
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    Victorian Cop Sacked For Not Being A Prick

    Wake up call? A wake up call is the exact opposite of what this guy was doing. He took the law into his own hands, when he shouldn't have. "Pretty much everyone on the road speeds" is a pissweak argument because that doesn't make it right. If everyone else jumped off the harbour bridge etc etc...
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    Victorian Cop Sacked For Not Being A Prick

    Yeah, only 2 of them got caught. People who've never been convicted, speed on a nearly daily basis. If you're going to commit a crime, fine. But everyone's fully aware of the law, and they should understand the basic concept of "cause and effect".
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    Victorian Cop Sacked For Not Being A Prick

    So it's totally okay to speed? Umhm.
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    What's your favourite sport?

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    Victorian Cop Sacked For Not Being A Prick

    He did the wrong thing. People speeding are putting their own lives and others' in danger. It's not that hard to leave the house a few minutes early so you're not late. He deserves what he got.
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    Favourite Seinfeld Ep/Moment

    "Is she hot?" "She has good eyebrows. Women would kill to have her eyebrows." "...why would anyone care about eyebrows?" "I don't know"
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    boob jobs

    Thank you, good sir.
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    Favourite YouTube video

    "Origin of Stupidity".
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    What looks hot and sh*t on the opposite sex! Tell all thread

    Nothing looks sexier than a suit.
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    Criminal Krudd to hand over our wealth

    I don't see why you all whinge. Nobody is starving. Those who are getting taxed about 50%, are still left with a generous disposable income that gives them quite a comfortable way of life. Stop being so demanding. The world doesn't owe you shit.
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    2nd best idea ITT.