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  1. R

    Hi, I have absolutely no idea how to use this thing. I may have just sent you 2 messages or I...

    Hi, I have absolutely no idea how to use this thing. I may have just sent you 2 messages or I may have just typed out nothing. Anyway, to be sure, my question was what modules you studied in english? Thanks
  2. R

    Stressing out, advice needed.

    Hey guys, thanks for all your help and encouragement. :) @lovehateschool, I'll definitely give what you said a go. @absolutezero, thanks for the link. @lolabell, wow what you said is so nice, I think if i just assume a more pragmatic approach to the whole thing, then it'll all be ok.
  3. R

    Stressing out, advice needed.

    Wow, I had never thought of doing this... Thanks for your help, although I don't think I would be able to pursue this idea because plagiarism (not that that is what you did) has been a persistent problem in my school and the english staff are keenly aware of any semblance of it.
  4. R

    Stressing out, advice needed.

    Hi everyone, Since I've been in year 12, I've been struggling to keep up in both advanced and extension english. It's not that I don't understand the concepts but rather, that I can never articulate what I want to say in the right way. Basically, it's just a serious case of writer's block and...
  5. R

    What is your first preference?

    oooh everyone doing law is going to unsw!
  6. R

    HI, still selling essays? :)

    HI, still selling essays? :)
  7. R

    The Problem with Rote Learning

    OBJECTION: the original question is leading. You can't preface a discuss question with your own bias.
  8. R

    Failed first assessment. Help!

    Hopefully, my failures came early and I won't have to confront them in the later, more heavily weighted assessments! And now off to write an essay on Seamus Heaney #majorcry
  9. R

    Failed first assessment. Help!

    Mmm, I'm thinking of completing the whole test again some time during the summer holidays. Do you any of you have any experience of getting an awful mark, being totally demoralised and then picking yourself up to finish the year on a high? :)
  10. R

    Failed first assessment. Help!

    Thanks guys :) Yup I know in theory that I should always go back and complete a self assessment but then in practice, I hate looking over bad marks - so cringeworthy. eep!
  11. R

    Failed first assessment. Help!

    Oh my gosh, this happened to me today with english. *crying* I'm just going to deny it ever happened, move on, and reclaim my prelim rank :D
  12. R

    Should priests be required to break the confessional seal?

    No just because the confessional seal is broken, I don't think this will lead to a dissolution in all confidentiality predicated professions. Those which are, ahem, more "important" than church confessions will remain confidential and rightly so. And to whomever above, lawyer confidentiality...
  13. R

    Is anyone else's school doing the same?

    Yes, I feel as if the faculties are all colluding.. "oh, resourceater has a sunday free?" "that cannot be!"
  14. R

    Pronounce 'locus'

    our teacher has an accent so we though why is she saying lock-us? But yes, apparently that's the correct pronunciation.
  15. R

    English belonging creative story

    where is it? :p
  16. R

    Uh sorry to bother you but you mentioned a while back that you had a really good text for...

    Uh sorry to bother you but you mentioned a while back that you had a really good text for belonging (related to "as you like it")....and...Would you mind sharing? :D I'm in the year below you, so no competition. Good luck for HSC!
  17. R

    atar calculation - best 2 units of english?

    Hi, I'm not very good at the internet so not sure if this is the right "thread" in which to ask but what's this about the atar taking only the best two units of english? Just say, hypothetically, I do really well in all my 4 units of english but they only account for the best two? Is that...