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  1. barbecuedflava

    ITS OFFICIAL: Australia is world's fattest nation

    im ashamed... we're even fatter than america thats nothing to be proud of :(
  2. barbecuedflava

    2008 NRL Premiership

    true that, fitzgibbon's no prop forward. wallace is not ready for origin. with peter wallace in doubt for the next origin, i say put finch and anasta in the halves. problem solved
  3. barbecuedflava

    Alternative ways to get into law?

    go for one of those courses where u pay all the fees. that way with a lower UAI, say 96 you can do law at usyd. then u can try to transfer to a csp supported course after a year. or go do law at uws:)
  4. barbecuedflava

    Automotive design

    plus electrical engineers do the engine n the ignition etc
  5. barbecuedflava

    2008 NRL Premiership

    yeh feleti mateo has really bloomed this season... but is he a kiwi?
  6. barbecuedflava

    2008 NRL Premiership

    Re: Which Team is going to Take Out the 2008 NRL Premiership? bah. no, itll be the roosters.
  7. barbecuedflava

    Australia's 2010 World Cup Qualifying Campaign

    unsure about holman but carney? why drop carney hes an awesome player
  8. barbecuedflava

    The Official Euro 2008 Thread

    what a awesome game tho. turkey just kept pressing and pressing... :rofl: peter cech. nah, it was kinda slack he had quite a solid performance up until then. still..:rofl:
  9. barbecuedflava

    What course are you aiming for in uni?

    yeah thats what im aiming for as well. youre not gonna get it with a negative attitude. cheer up mate
  10. barbecuedflava

    What course are you aiming for in uni?

    hopefully law if im good enough. if not commerce or engineering but i really wanna do law
  11. barbecuedflava

    BRT - what are u doing?

    this is for all the students who do business studies and have to do a BRT. what business are you creating? im doing a shop which sells environmently friendly products. sounds lame but yeah, theres potential for this type of business. post your businesses
  12. barbecuedflava

    Australia's 2010 World Cup Qualifying Campaign

    yeh we dominated for most of the match. emerton was standout, kewell played well and our backline was reasonable. swartzer was awesome as usual. it was a solid performance
  13. barbecuedflava

    what are your hobbies and interests?

    guitar, footy, watching footy, tennis
  14. barbecuedflava

    Australia's 2010 World Cup Qualifying Campaign

    whadya think? did harry dummy to emerton, or did he completely miss the ball?
  15. barbecuedflava

    I wish I had a teacher this hot

    damn it i thought it was a female teacher.:vcross: not a very effective way of controlling a class, he must have been really desperate
  16. barbecuedflava

    drinking water

    lol i do the same
  17. barbecuedflava

    Do people that do good in their SC generally do well in their HSC?

    they are completely different. sc is a piece of cake, its set to accommodate for the really simple students the hsc is not so easy, you really have to start working
  18. barbecuedflava

    drinking water

    i think it means if ur pee is yellow, thats no good, ur dehydrated. ifs it white ur good, theres no acid in ur pee what if its purple?:uhoh:
  19. barbecuedflava

    drinking water

    hey i was wondering if anyone actually drinks two litres of water a day. isnt that how much ur supposed to drink every day? :confused:
  20. barbecuedflava

    Top 200 Schools (Daily Telegraph) - 2007

    sorry if this seems like a dumb question but how many schools are there in NSW?