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  1. W

    Geometric reasoning abbreviations

    Agreed. Just wondering, are there any abbreviations for the theorems about equal intercepts on a transversal?
  2. W

    Geometric reasoning abbreviations

    So, that's a no? I really don't like that reasoning because It's too long. Can we at least shorten 'point of contact' to 'POC?'
  3. W

    Geometric reasoning abbreviations

    Just wondering, instead of writing 'the angle between a chord and tangent at the point of contact is equal to the angle in the alternate segement,' are we allowed to just write 'alternate segement theorem?'
  4. W

    if english wasn't compulsory

    The Board of Studies will always be cruel and keep English compulsory. They should at least not make it count to your ATAR. If I got a chance to drop English, I would definitely drop it and so would heaps of other people. I think only the students doing English Extension would pick English...
  5. W

    New "Cambridge" 4U "book" used by Grammar and NSGH

    Lol. So, you're definitely sure that it won't be implemented yet?
  6. W

    HSC Exam Shenanigans

    Some people turned up in mufti. Also, after the one hour mark, the supervisor announced that if you were finished, you were could leave. Over half of my cohort left but it took a while to get them out because there were so many who wanted to. Some were yelling out to the supervisor to sign them...
  7. W

    How many pages did you write?

    Just wondering, how many booklets did the supervisors give to each person at the beginnging of the exam?
  8. W

    New "Cambridge" 4U "book" used by Grammar and NSGH

    My teachers keep talking about how the new Australian Cirriculum is going to be tested for the 2015 HSC.
  9. W

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    What I mean is that ENGLISH IS OVER!!! You'll never have to deal with that horrible subject anymore. Be happy!
  10. W

    Can you buy raw marks??

    Wow. That is really expensive. Why do even have to pay for the results check if you just want your raw mark?
  11. W

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    Guys, guys, guys... Why are you still in this thread? ENGLISH IS OVER!!!
  12. W

    How many pages did you write?

    Module A: 4.5 pages Module B: 2.5 pages Module C: 4.5 pages I really wonder how people can write over 6 pages. They're writing must be massive.
  13. W

    English - The Simple Gift - Speech

    I feel sorry for you. I did The Simple Gift and there are barely any resources on it.
  14. W

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    I just re-read the Module A question and I just realised that there was a 'your' in the question. My essay was entirely third-person. Would this really affect my mark? By they way, won't this go against some teachers who firmly believe that you should never use first-person in an essay...
  15. W

    english wtf moment

    Ok. I lied. She didn't photocopy the title page and the contexts. I don't think I should of have mentioned this. Hopefully, I can delete my about post before any author or publisher or author sees it.
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    Well, the only ones that would be fit the question are Keating, Pearson and Bandler's speeches. I can't see how the other speeches can really relate much to the question.
  17. W

    Frankenstein/Blade Runner Essay

    I found the question decent. It fitted with my pre-prepared essay pretty well. In the essay, I talked about how people's ambitious use of use and technology have resulted in a destruction of nature and religion and a loss of humanity.
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    That question was horrible. Although the Board of Studies didn't specify a speech, they certainly limited the ones you could use due to the narrowness of the question.
  19. W

    Wikipedia is a prescribed text...

    That's interesting... So, where do the students get the quotes from? There's only a certain amount of techniques that relate to a website.
  20. W

    Mark predictions!!! (adv.)

    Module A: 15 to 18 Module B: 10 to 13 Module C: 15 to 18 Total: 40 to 49