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  1. EspeciallyNotWeird

    Do ya have a proper study area?

    Is anyone that lucky person that can cancel any noise around them? That's pretty sweet. My study surroundings have to at least have soft noise in the background like music or soft chatter. Too loud and it's annoying. Too soft and my mind goes crazy. I swear my study preferences are annoying
  2. EspeciallyNotWeird

    Don't work ahead?

    Are you saying we teach ourselves or get accelerated learning?
  3. EspeciallyNotWeird

    Summer Holidays HSC

    -Syllabus dot point as a heading -answer it in dot points using information from class or other past notes
  4. EspeciallyNotWeird

    Do ya have a proper study area?

    I don't know if it is only me but I pick my study area depending on my mood. I usually work on the couch, the floor, on my bed, on my backdoor steps and random tables. I have an area for study tools and folders and books but I don't sit there. It makes me feel trapped and sitting too straight is...
  5. EspeciallyNotWeird

    101 Advice for Summer Holidays

    My teachers are against spoon feeding. Alas, they do the opposite. They are too cool towards HSC studies
  6. EspeciallyNotWeird

    Selective School Fort Street Help

    It will be good for your HSC year
  7. EspeciallyNotWeird

    English Poems!

    At least you get poems. I think we get speeches and Shakespearean texts to memorise quotes from
  8. EspeciallyNotWeird

    Don't work ahead?

    Don't you have to consolidate the current topic before you move on? I like to finish and end the topic before moving on to a completely different one
  9. EspeciallyNotWeird

    Don't work ahead?

    Some people do accelerated learning as well so it doesn't hurt to try. Depends if you have the extra help. Personally, I wouldn't go too far
  10. EspeciallyNotWeird

    The HSC diary of a hay fever pill

    Looks like you need to use more of your own medicine then. Such false advertising
  11. EspeciallyNotWeird

    The HSC diary of a hay fever pill

    Your name is zhertec but sign with hayfever. Why?
  12. EspeciallyNotWeird

    quick commerical radioisotope question

    Always, always include the m because -99 is not commercial
  13. EspeciallyNotWeird

    Don't work ahead?

    Read ahead. Don't work ahead
  14. EspeciallyNotWeird

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Is that because you are good at BS-ing? Just saying