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  1. J

    Differentiation help

    I've been doing past papers and I can't find the answers anywhere and just wanted a double check on one of my answers. I have to find the first derivative of (sin x) / (x +1) so far I have (cos x (x+1) - sin x)/(x+1)^2 I am unsure how to simplify further.
  2. J

    Sexism against guys...

    I'm not asian. Australian, thanks.
  3. J

    Sexism against guys...

    Atm, I only care about how they've changed school syllabuses to cater more towards girls. Taking something like physics and shoving 80% of the exam full of theory is bullshit.
  4. J

    Extremely worried about Adv Eng...

    My bad, I meant drop to standard.
  5. J

    thanks for the neg rep when I was trying to help out a friend.

    thanks for the neg rep when I was trying to help out a friend.
  6. J

    Extremely worried about Adv Eng...

    Alright first off lets get things sorted out. I go to Greystanes High (Rank 466, ergh) Subjects - Adjusted Exam Mark - Rank - Estimated HSC Mark Adv English - 46% - 20/25 - 50% Business Studies - 79% - 3/31 - 80% Engineering Studies - 80% - 1/9 - 85% Extension 1 Maths - 76% - 1/3 - 75%...
  7. J

    What do you think of this performance? (video link)

    Thank you so much for the feedback, I'm sure the group will be glad to hear it all. The music cues were stuffed up due to no actual practice on the night and a half assed VET Entertainment group performance. Thank you again for your patience :)
  8. J

    How do you deal with bitchy/horrible teachers?

    I'll look into that thank you. On another note, its good to know that some people are mature to make comments like these, unforunate that its the people with less rep than they should haev.
  9. J

    How do you deal with bitchy/horrible teachers?

    Ok, first let me get this clear that it's not my teacher, but in the short time I've dealt with her, she has been nothing but incredibly rude to me. Here's the story- Last wednesday was MAD (Music, Art, Drama) Night at our school and the year 12s did their performances that are being assessed...
  10. J

    What do you think of this performance? (video link)

    I'm just trying to cheer up my girl and reassuring her that her performance is very well done. Composed by michael, the guy in the black (or green sometimes, sorry about the UV cam). What are you're opinions? YouTube - Hollow The lighting change isn't part of it, it was me filming it turning...
  11. J

    Cambridge HSC BusStud pdf?

    Does anybody know if there is a PDF version of the textbook? Thanks
  12. J


    It will tell you which to use. Use gravity as 10m/s^2 or Use gravity as 9.8m/s^2 Take a look through practice exams and you might see they use both, but they will ALWAYS state which.
  13. J

    How much sleep do we need?

    I usually hit the sack at about 12-12:30, wake most mornings at 7, some mornings at 6. I can generally last about 3 months on 4 hours a night. Best way to get little sleep and not be tired? Make it a habit. First month you'll be shitting at how tired you are, from then on, its just bodily routine.
  14. J

    How much does English consume your study time?

    Or both. eg. me
  15. J

    How much does English consume your study time?

    I want your school.
  16. J

    That 'I give up' moment

    Sure, I'll post my results on here when I get them back.
  17. J

    That 'I give up' moment

    If i do that I won't even think about English. My other subjects are fine, most I can get through without study, but it'd still be nice to.
  18. J

    How much does English consume your study time?

    how is that even possible?