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  1. trapizi

    A nice 4U Q16

    lol my bad
  2. trapizi

    A nice 4U Q16

  3. trapizi

    A nice 4U Q16

    Fort St 2013. This is the only question that I got full mark in the paper :(
  4. trapizi

    Am I wrong or is the BOS wrong? (HSC 2011 question)

    Oh yeah. So they're wrong :). Thx!
  5. trapizi

    Am I wrong or is the BOS wrong? (HSC 2011 question)

    In HSC 2011 Question 7b which is an integration question, my answer is 1/8 ln(9) but in their sample answer they got -1/2 ln(3)...wth? Sample answer (p.27) Can someone please...
  6. trapizi

    BOS Trials 2014

    Nothing is impossible :rotfl:
  7. trapizi

    BOS Trials 2014

    Hey carrotsticks, I'm bringing around 10 ppl with me. Is it ok ?
  8. trapizi

    BOS Trials 2014

    Can I bring my whole class ?:eek:
  9. trapizi

    LAST Atar estimation before HSC please

    This is my last and final ATAR estimation request. School ranking: ~400 ESL: 3/8 (1-2 band 6 every two years - weak cohort) IPT: 1/11 (1-2 band 6 every year - strong cohort) Design and Technology: 2/5 (I'm not sure how many ppl got band 6 every year as 2 years ago the class was about 20...
  10. trapizi

    How do I remember all the notes I've written?

    Save it for the day before the exam so your brain works more actively and more effectively
  11. trapizi

    How does tied ranks work for the HSC?

    This is how your teacher calculates the ranking for each assignment: Assignment mark/Full mark x Weighting For example Exam is out of 100 marks You got 50 marks Exam weights 20% => 50/100x20=10% Add all the weighting from the first assignment to the last one. You got your ranking mark (maybe...
  12. trapizi

    What topic?

    (a)Harder 3U - Geometry and 3D Trig (b)Harder 3U - Probability (c)Integration (d)Volume
  13. trapizi

    FREE notes! 'Belonging: HSC Marker's Tips'!

    Yes please :)
  14. trapizi

    How to tell parents you didn't make it into 4u

    She should find a new family who accept their daughter doing 3 Unit
  15. trapizi

    Ipt yr 12 hsc case study help needed *help pls* ;-;

    Atlassian would be the best and most appropriate company for your assessment.
  16. trapizi

    [HELP] Probability question

    Thanks guys, really helpful.
  17. trapizi

    [HELP] Probability question

    I'm confusing with this question 5 girls 3 boys sitting at a circular table. Find the probability of at least 2 boys sitting next to each other. Answer: 5/7
  18. trapizi

    Extension 3 maths

    Then learn how to spell probably first:eek:
  19. trapizi

    Tsfx lectures ?

    They state the lectures are free in the letter but they also say to bring $10 for charity donation or more. I only see a bunch of bull sh*t :uhoh:
  20. trapizi

    Extension 3 maths

    I almost failed 2U but aced 3U in Yr 11. Then I nearly failed 3U and smashed 4U in Yr 12:newburn: