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  1. jackattack

    Help me with The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold?

    i'm using it for inner journeys. i don't really get how it could be considered relative to 'imaginative' tbh, everything that happened in the book was presented to us as real and true. but hey, if you can make it work, more power to you.
  2. jackattack

    Should I drop bio?????

    Well considering 10 is the minimum you'd hope so hey.
  3. jackattack

    Unconventionally Attractive Celebrities

    yeah, well, he can faun over me anyday :o:o:o
  4. jackattack

    Unconventionally Attractive Celebrities

    Just saw Atonement: YUM.
  5. jackattack

    Is it normal to be stressing about the HSC already?

    hahahahaha you forget how I wish to never see half the people I've been friends with for years and years ever again
  6. jackattack

    Is it normal to be stressing about the HSC already?

    Eighteenths are fun, but I don't see how they could be considered so fantastically wild and off the fucking hook they'd make these years the best ones of your life. If eighteenths are the best parties I'll ever get to go to, well I'm kind of depressed. I guess I'm saying, I hope to god the best...
  7. jackattack

    Is it normal to be stressing about the HSC already?

    Well I'm always going to have worries besides school, that's just the shitty hand life dealt me. I'd still rather be eighteen, go to clubs and bars and concerts, have better friends who I can relate to more and who will actually go to the clubs and bars and concerts with me, and study something...
  8. jackattack

    Unconventionally Attractive Celebrities

    Hahahahaha yes it is! tony's a twat. nicholas hoult is fkn sexy though. EDIT: and i definitely agree with ed westwick. I'm the only person in my circle of friends who seems to see it, how is that possile :confused:
  9. jackattack

    The Darjeeling Limited

    I really really really liked it. People told me not to expect much and that it was pretty mediocre, but I don't really understand the luke-warm reviews. I enjoyed it certainly as much as I enjoyed The Royal Tenenbaums, and I fucking love The Royal Tenenbaums. I thought the acting was great...
  10. jackattack

    girls asking guys out

    In a desperate attempt to seem cool I pulled out my phone and pretended to be talking to someone, but then it starting ringing in my hand! My crush looked sooo confused until he realised I had been faking the phone conversation. He and his mates started laughing at me again. I was sooooo humiliated!
  11. jackattack

    What u planning to do in summer holidays?

    I have so much work to do thinking about it makes me feel sick in the stomach. This is why I do not think about it.
  12. jackattack

    Is it normal to be stressing about the HSC already?

    I'm fairly confident that the people who say high school are the best years of your life are all fucking wankers. the concept does not even make one iota of sense to me. edit: english y0
  13. jackattack

    Why did you break up with your last ex?

    Really? That's cool, so does my little sister. I'm curious to know how you went about doing your HSC and going to TAFE, expect a PM from me sometime in the next few days :)
  14. jackattack

    Why did you break up with your last ex?

    champ_sammy_19, what physical disability do you have?
  15. jackattack

    does ANYBODY enjoy their text for english?

    Er, it's not a stupid thing to say at all. God forbid people don't appreciate literature like you do! EDIT: Plath is the most overrated nonsense I've ever read. DADDY DADDY I LOVE YOU DADDY WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME DADDY I HATE YOU DADDY TODAY I TRIED TO REUNITE WITH YOU DADDY BUT THE BLADE WAS NOT...
  16. jackattack

    Have you moved as a teenager?

    Age: 17 Gender: M / F 1. Have you moved before your teenage years? Y / N 2. How many times have you moved as a teenager? Where to (change of suburb/city/state/country) and at what age? When I was fifteen (Year 10) I moved suburbs. 3. What was your initial reaction to finding out about the...
  17. jackattack

    Attention!, 99+ UAI-ers

    LOUD NOISES. but yeah, redundancy ftw gays
  18. jackattack


    get out get out GET OUT!!!!!!!