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  1. iBibah

    Differences in Rankings

    It doesn't matter what the mark is (high or low) it will be adjusted accordingly. It's not worse to have it higher than lower.
  2. iBibah

    Differences in Rankings

    I've been told marks are sent to two decimal places, so it should show as second.
  3. iBibah

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    (Keep in mind my school isn't the best in rankings lol):
  4. iBibah

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Idk how it happened but modules paper has seen me take first in English!! Yeah boiiii
  5. iBibah

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Iirc cssa is today (all papers) and independent in one week.
  6. iBibah

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Sydney Grammar make the better 4U papers. Not sure how time is remotely relevant. And he doesn't have THAT much time anyway.
  7. iBibah


    It doesn't matter by how much you are first. Only matters for second how close they care to you, but for first, if you can get the highest external mark, your cohort has zero affect on you.
  8. iBibah

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    I would love to go to a 100 school, though admittedly I didn't take the opportunity to try for the selective school nearby.
  9. iBibah

    Should we reduce the refugee intake?

    I actually thought you two were trolling.
  10. iBibah

    Year 12 jersey suppliers?? :)

    Gomo Sportswear. Made in Australia unlike Canterbury so it's quicker and they can do any custom design and use whatever materials you please. Cheaper too.
  11. iBibah

    Ranking first = disadvantage?

    Yes that's right. The highest exam mark will be your assessment mark, regardless of your internal raw mark.
  12. iBibah

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    bro thats nothing compared to what he's done recently......ill tell you saturday ......lets just say, you can get full marks without getting the final answer.....
  13. iBibah

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    ?? not sure i remember what you're talking about
  14. iBibah

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    haha trust me m8, you would wanna punch on with him if you experienced the things he said/done/suggested i do/claimed etc.
  15. iBibah

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Such a bad mentality. Everyone should aim for the mark they believe is representative of their potential, instead of imposing their own standards on others because they think they are the benchmark or something. #feellikeranting
  16. iBibah

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Why should he base his goals on your standards and potential ?
  17. iBibah

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Same mx1 and 2u is really quick at mine, English is usually bad but they were heaps good for trials.
  18. iBibah

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    my mx2 teacher averages 2-4 weeks to mark an assessment........there is one student..........and the questions are from textbooks......textbooks with worked solutions.....
  19. iBibah

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    lol hmmm, looks like second might catch you if your teachers dog eats your paper.....and eats you too.
  20. iBibah

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Bro you should see the bs with my sor trial