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    12 or 10 units

    keep 12 then, if you are doing well in what you plan to drop. unless you think dropping something would give you more time for english, and therefore help you get better marks.
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    idea's for a creative story

    i concur
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    Essay pen

    i try not to form an attachment to pens, because what will happen if im unable to get another one the same!!
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    Alienation Additional Materials

    film im thinking castaway!! books im thinking something like "we need to talk about kevin" by lionel shriver both great texts which can be applied
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    year 12 coming up what should i do

    i reckon you could kncok off the year 12 physics course with an hour or so of study a day... thats my plan. the online rsources for it are really good as well, so you wouldnt need a textbook.
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    Essay pen

    im 100% happy with kilometrico, plus the lids are great for chewing. i dont care how weird that is.
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    I'm failing year 11....does that I mean I won't be allowed to go on to year 12?

    well if you are completeing the course requirements they cant kick you out no matter whart your makrs are like, as said above, but if you are getting bad marks you really have to lift your game or consider lessening your workload.
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    does scaling REALLY matter?

    i agree with speedofsound, but what you have to realise is that if you can get good marks in a subject which scales better you should. and always go for the facts, dont listen to what people tell you.
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    Quick Question... actors

    hey guys, im just wondering for anyone who has made or is making a film for extension 2 english, how did you find actors? was it hard or easy? where should i go about looking if i need a couple? thanks in advance.
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    13 Units Into Year 12??

    sounds like you should just use the time to study and socialize on the weekend to me.
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    Should i drop physics?

    defs keep physics... unless you cant handle the workload, in which case keep physics and drop something else.
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    need some help in dropping subjects ?? please

    anna hit the nail on the head, if you can handle it keep them both, if you cant drop PD
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    fate or coincidence?

    it sounds to me like you are unsure you want to move... maybe you need to give it more thought. it's almost as if you are looking for reasons to stay, in which case you shouldnt go.
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    Help: Clingy and obsessive

    im haveing trouble thinking of a way... have you considered getting one of her friends to hint at it or something...? thats probably terrible advice.
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    Gay friends

    if a close friend of mine were to tell me he was gay that would be fine as long as he wasn't interested in me. that would just make it too awkward.
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    are you lonely?

    despite what some turds will say to you, being lonely is normal, and it doesn't mean you're worthless and/or ugly and/or stupid. it just means you're going through a tough time. the best thing you can do is get out there and meet new people.
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    Playing the piano

    i played to about 4/5th grade and then quit, but i still play fairly often. and i play trombone and guitar heaps... so that helps i think. music is a great stress reliever.
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    Are people in the northern and eastern suburbs big time snobs?

    i never subscribed to the whole "you're from x there fore you are x" bullshit. you will find good and bad people everywhere. stick with the people you fit in with.
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    Advantages and disadvantages of Std to Adv English.

    generally if you do subjects like standard english and general amths you need to get very high marks to succeed, and its not at all easy to get high marks in those subjects, its easy to pass, just hard to excel. i suggest you keep advanced, a mark of 85-90 would probably be close to a mark of...
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    English Help!!!

    i think probably the best thing you can do is read over texts and develop notes. also, it does help to read over sparknotes and wikipedia pages, just dont go by them religiously or anything. when i develop a reading of a text i usually take 2-3 strong themes and memorize a couple of quotes for...