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  1. W

    internet dating

    Well the last girl I dated I met on msn and first time we met up we hooked up etc and I we were together for just over a month when she decided to dump me on msn the night before the year 12 half yearly exams, I failed the exams and hate her guts Moral of this story, DON'T DATE PEOPLE YOU MEET...
  2. W

    What do you think of Filipinos here in Australia?

    I had a girl at my school who moved from there when she was in year 6, her and I got along pretty well. My new manager at KFC is from the phillopenes and I don't like her one bit, she's been working at KFC for like 2 months and she always asks me how to do something that is so basic where you...
  3. W

    who's still worried

    I watched 2012 today and the movie is that shit that it didn't make me believe one bit that the world is going to end in 2012, get the fuck over it haha
  4. W

    09ers Yr 12 Formal

    Yeah we had ours at the end of Term 3, it was good but the after party was lame as My mates formal was last night and I went to their after party, it was the best party I've been to this year! =D (stumbled home at 5am)
  5. W

    Whats the deal with Art Express?

    Ok so I went to school today to talk to my art teacher, I told her about you guys getting nominated and she told me that it can't be true. Nobody finds out if they get nominated until we get our artworks back (20th November) I'm so damn confused now haha
  6. W

    Art Express nomination forms.

    Well my teacher told me most markers ask to see your VAPD to get a better understanding of your work or something
  7. W

    Rules for Customers

    This applies for KFC in a rush Yes you can see we're busy, DON'T HAVE TO FUCKING STATE THE OBVIOUS!!! Just because I'm the only one on front because drive through is getting slaughtered does not mean you have the right to rub it in my face and say shit like "it's about time I got served"...
  8. W

    Whats the deal with Art Express?

    Your photography is AMAZING! Love it so much =D
  9. W

    Last ever episode of rove live!!

    Wow I'm surprised on how many people here don't like it! Maybe everyone that likes it is watching it instead of being on the forum...
  10. W

    Last ever episode of rove live!!

    Holy shit I can't believe it's come to an end, I'm making this thread in the ad break. Who else is going to miss it? I LOVE ROVE!
  11. W

    Whats the deal with Art Express?

    Well in this case I'm pretty let down, I wanted to get in so fucking badly
  12. W

    So...who has actually..

    Well I just recently got a second job and I didn't have to apply for it. It was the local takeaway shop and I just went in for a burger and they offered me work so I was really happy! =D
  13. W

    It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

    I wanna see season 5 but I don't have austar/foxtel Don't you dare mock season 4 or I'm going to go dayman on your ass!
  14. W

    It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

    haha well at least one other person likes this show =P
  15. W

    The KFC thread

    It depends on your manager really if you have a good one they'll accept you back Just call them up and tell them your situation, you just finished your HSC and looking for work then ask them if there's a position available
  16. W

    ATAR guessing Game

    60+ If I get under this I'm going to most likely give up on life =P
  17. W

    Life after hsc

    Working 2 jobs, local takeaway and KFC Gymnastics coach Enjoying life! =D Spending as much time as possible with my mates before I have to start saving up money to move to Sydney
  18. W

    It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

    Ok this show is fucking great! I love it for the random crazy stuff they get up to haha Please is there anyone else on this forum that watches this show!? I apologise if there has already been a thread made for this show
  19. W

    Whats the deal with Art Express?

    How do you know this already? I thought they weren't going to announce anything until after the exams are over?
  20. W

    Whats the deal with Art Express?

    Hey isn't there more than 1 art gallery that we can be selected for though? I know artexpress is the holy grail of all galleries that we could get into but I thought there was more galleries?