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  1. L

    Preliminary mathematics marathon

    oh yeah i got something wrong lol anyway thanks :)
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    Preliminary mathematics marathon

    PQ is a focal chord of the parabola x%5E%7B2%7D=12y P is the point (6,3). Find the co-ordinates of Q. Actually i have found Q is (6,3). Just wondering if it is possible for both P and Q be (6,3). thanks :)
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    General Questions About Engineering @UNSW

    Hi all, I would like to ask some questions about engineering at UNSW. 1. How many electives can I choose in the first year? 2. Do you have a great chance that you get employed for your desired field from some specialised degrees (like biomedical ,aerospace,mechatronics, etc)? 3. Can I apply...
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    atar estimate please can i get 91?

    I am aiming at 91 my school rank is about 300ish Physics: 6/12 (I know I need a bit of work) Chemistry: 2/11 Biology: 2/23 ESL:1/6 Maths: 5/22 (I know I need a bit of work) Maths Ext 1: 2/9
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    hey champ what do you have for physics?

    hey champ what do you have for physics?
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    ain't the assessment marks of the top two students = (93+85)/2 = 89?
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    Parametric Equation

    Im so screwed up at this topic .Could someone help me please? 12) Points p(2ap,ap^2) and Q(2aq,aq^2) lie on the parabola x^2=4ay Show that the normal at P is given by x+py=ap^3 +2ap IN FULL STEP. 13a) Point M(4,-8)lies on the parabola x^2 = -2y .Find the equation of the focal chord through M...
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    Can a strong magnet affect aeroplane during flight?

    and how does it affect?
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    Observer Question!!!

    Could anyone answer this question? How do I analyse this? Is there any sample answer for this quest?
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    What is slingshot effect?

    Thanks guys
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    Quick Projectile Question

    Its a question in surfing
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    What is slingshot effect?

    Is it talking about the space probe taking advantage of the Planet's orbital speed?
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    Parabola as a locus question

    I don't know how to solve this and would be appreciated if someone could do it The focal chord that cuts the parabola X^2=-6y at (6,-6) cuts the parabola again at X. Find the coordinates of X. Answer X=(-3/2,-3/8)
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    You've change your icon from Dragonball to something else

    You've change your icon from Dragonball to something else
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    How do I relate CONFORMITY to my CARTOON?

    My teacher often gives me some cartoon texts and ask me the question ''how are these ideas being communicated?'' I know it's all about conformity and individuality but how should I structure my answer? e.g -visual techniques -explanation (how do I explain?By just retelling the picture or...
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    Rocket question!

    If escape velocity decreases in this casse, should we still choose equator as a starting point for rocket to escape from the gravitational field? Thanks In Advance
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    Whats the difference between Premuim resources and General resources?

    Could anyone give me a screen shot to show their difference( especially Chemistry)? Thanks heaps:)
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    Hi im a year 12 student doing Chemistry and would like to get some help from you I would be...

    Hi im a year 12 student doing Chemistry and would like to get some help from you I would be appreciated if you could send me Namu Lyoo's Chemistry notes
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    Useful Biology Resources

    I use my sister's Campbell Biology which is a university book too much detail for me lol:sun:
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    have anyone of you tried to open your iPods to full volume with your headphones?

    As subject. I have done when I listen to rock songs . But not always. And I also listen to club musics and feels like I'm disco