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  1. nhoustonrocks

    haven't been paid?

    Hi guys, This is going to be a really long story so please bear with me. So I got a job as a Christmas Casual last October at a retail chain - and at the interview, the store manager told me that they would tell us by the end of December whether we would stay or be let go. December went...
  2. nhoustonrocks

    Timetable issue! Help.

    Can I just ask, how on earth did you manage to get a clash in 1st year?? 1st year business subjects (if you do the sequence that they recommend in the handbook) are designed to be clash proof. If you have issues with lectures, don't sweat it. Just go to the lectures whenever the hell you want...
  3. nhoustonrocks

    Question regarding Late Round offers / internal transfer

    Yeah I've enjoyed IS so far, it's a nice break from my business subjects and I've had the chance to meet people from different faculties which is great. I'm currently having second thoughts as to whether I actually want to go overseas for a year due to personal/financial reasons, BUT if you're...
  4. nhoustonrocks

    Advice to future Bachelor of Business students at UTS

    For first years: - 4 subjects per semester, particularly in 1st year is definitely doable. disregard the crap about 1 subject a semester. I managed to get all credits, a few Ds/HDs, while doing 4 subjects and working 20 hours a week. mind you, I had no social life since I was pretty much...
  5. nhoustonrocks

    Question regarding Late Round offers / internal transfer

    The combined international studies courses are quite high in demand, I don't think there'll be any vacancies after the main round. But apply anyway for the next round, there may be a chance that others reject their offers. However, it's easy to transfer into international studies after the end...
  6. nhoustonrocks

    does kuring-gai campus not offer some majors in the business degree??

    you can do any major that you want, but you may need to do some subjects at the city campus
  7. nhoustonrocks

    The Official UTS Subject Reviews Thread (Table of Contents on First Post)

    Subject Name: Managing People and Organisations Subject Number: 21129 Faculty: Business Semester: Spring 2011 Ease: 6/10 Lecturer: 2/10 - lectures were a joke. only went to 2 during the entire semester Tutor: 7/10 Subject Coordinator: ?/10 Interest: 4/10 Overall: 5/10 Subject Name...
  8. nhoustonrocks

    The Official UTS Subject Reviews Thread (Table of Contents on First Post)

    Subject Name: Integrating Business Perspectives Subject Number: 26100 Faculty: Business Semester: Autumn 2011 Ease: 9/10 - Content was really basic, there was more of a focus on the integration of the different types of business. But everything was marked super easy because this was the...
  9. nhoustonrocks

    JB Hifi and Esprit Interview!!!!

    It's really casual, I had a one-on-one with the store manager, but depending on what section you're applying for, you may have another manager present as well. You get asked questions like 'what was your favourite/least favourite part of your previous job?', 'how would you deal with a customer...
  10. nhoustonrocks

    Looking for work

    I'd go to your local shopping centre and look for any places that have signs advertising for Christmas Casuals (most likely smaller stores will advertise like this)
  11. nhoustonrocks

    Myer Christmas Casuals

    I assume that Myer has pretty much already done all their hiring for Christmas Casuals and that they would have already started training, considering that the interviews were done in September. You could try giving HR a call, but it's likely that they will inform you of the same thing
  12. nhoustonrocks

    JB Hifi and Esprit Interview!!!!

    hey i dont know if it's too late to answer, but I just got a job at JB Hi-Fi, and in the interview they said they would get back to me within the week but i got the job offer just a few hours after the interview. it must depend on how many people are being interviewed and how soon they need...
  13. nhoustonrocks

    Sportsgirl Group Interview

    Hey, I got a Christmas Casual group interview at Jeans West and they said just to wear clothing similar to their range, so I guess same goes for Sportsgirl - like a dress similar to the ones they sell or something. As for the interview part, I don't have any experience with that as yet.
  14. nhoustonrocks


    Well yeah I thought it may have been under an award as well...
  15. nhoustonrocks


    Well unfortunately the HR manager said that their agreements were confidential and so I don't know what their agreement is. But thanks anyway
  16. nhoustonrocks


    Thanks, I guess it depends on what their agreement is then. Arghhh I wish all these work agreements weren't so complex!
  17. nhoustonrocks


    So I recently went in for an interview for a museum..I won't give names at the present time, and they said that their rate is $20 something an hour which is okay, and then went on to mention that because it is open every day of the year, they will only pay penalty rates on Christmas and New...
  18. nhoustonrocks

    Hungry Jack's Interview

    You do realise that this is from 4 years ago?
  19. nhoustonrocks

    Rules for Customers

    Also. Don't come into the store about 15 minutes after I've opened and expect to be able to pay with a $100 note!! and don't claim you don't have any smaller change when I ask if you try to pay with a 50 or 100 early in the day, when I can clearly see it in your purse!! Don't get pissed if I...
  20. nhoustonrocks

    Rules for Customers

    1. Please, for the love of god, don't be so rude when asking for directions in the shopping centre - especially when you don't even purchase anything from the store. I'm taking time out from doing my job, just for useless people who can't see that there's a directory like 10 metres away, and I...