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  1. T

    inertial frame of reference/ space help!

    thank you! but reading the question again, "a comet approaches you from behind and overtakes you, heading in the same direction." wouldn't this make c and d wrong?
  2. T

    inertial frame of reference/ space help!

    just a quick question from my textbook, "you are in a spaceship heading, you think, in free motion towards Pluto; however, you are far from any reference point to check your progress. suddenly a comet approaches from behind and overtakes you, heading in the same direction. identify which of the...
  3. T

    80 + atar?

    holy shit that's awesome i can get these results for the subjects if not better.. except for physics maybe a bit lower but oh em gee im so happy now :spin:
  4. T

    80 + atar?

    oh wow does that look right?? edit: that's the atar im aiming for and the subjects im doing right now...
  5. T

    choosing ESL

    its 5 years or less im going from extension 1 to ESL don't need the extra unit :)
  6. T

    independent exam

    please :)
  7. T

    year 12 jerseys

    im getting Not Jigging, since i always get spotted outside of school. was planning on getting I Eat Mop Who until my bitch of a year advisor found out what it meant a day before ordering!
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    is it a good idea to take up ESL?

    yeah im going for ESL thanks guys :)
  9. T

    is it a good idea to take up ESL?

    yeah im going for ESL thanks guys :)
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    is it a good idea to take up ESL?

    LOL @ coming from England oh only reason i did advanced was so i could do extension english since my school forced whoever wants to do extension maths to do either extension english or Sports & Lifestyle or some shit which i cant be fucked for. yeah i know fucked up school :)
  11. T

    is it a good idea to take up ESL?

    thing is i need to work a bit on physics but i dont have time cause im focusing on other stuff i was planning on doing standard in year 12 but i just found out im eligible for ESL i still have a term to decide i might see what my teachers think
  12. T

    is it a good idea to take up ESL?

    first post here been reading for ages though ok so im eligible for ESL because i've been in oz for less than 5 years currently in year 11 and doing advanced AND extension 1. I'm doing good i suppose. would it be a good idea if i did advanced in year 12 and dropped extension? is it hard...