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  1. shimmer205

    UAI expectations

    Thanks for all the advice, I think I'll at least wait it out til year twelve.. I am a firm believer that you can really pick up your game in year 12. By the way, I tried the SAM thing and you were right, lyounamu, she just made it look like 95.
  2. shimmer205

    How much do i need to study

    I find it hard to do a certain number of hours a night, I find it easier to do at least 16 hours a week. Counting it like that means I can do big chuncks when in the mood or have some spare time, Which works heaps better for me.
  3. shimmer205

    Competitive vs non competitive

    I know what you mean about annoying competition... We are competing with the rest of NSW next year, do we really need to start this early with the people in our year?
  4. shimmer205

    UAI expectations

    That's what I was thinking... We study together quite alot because I help her out with English, but it's tough to think of a way to givve her more realistic expectations. :uhoh:
  5. shimmer205

    UAI expectations

    Hey all... I have a friend who is aiming for a 95+ UAI next year, but her work ethic and results this year so far suggest it will be closer to 70 or 80. I think that if she works like a manic she may get 90, but so far there is nothing to suggest this will happen. I don't want her to be very...
  6. shimmer205

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    French beginners is gone... Why did I ever take the subject! Go english ext 2...
  7. shimmer205


    It's good to know which of your subjects are well scaled, but you need to remember that if you work hard you can still achieve a great UAI, even with badly scaled subjects.
  8. shimmer205

    Proof read a letter

    Bonjour! If any French students can take a look at this letter, and proof read it for me, I would be very grateful! Any improvements would be awesome. Salut David! Merci beaucoup pour ta lettre. Pardonne-moi de n'avoir pas ecrit. Comment vas-tu? Je suis tres contente de ton...
  9. shimmer205

    4U Marks

    This is just what I want to know, lou. does anyone know?
  10. shimmer205

    4U Marks

    So your saying I should work to come first or second out of a class of three? Will I lose the benefits if i come 3/3?
  11. shimmer205

    2009ers: How was your school day?

    Today I got full marks for a modern essay.... Woot! I am floating on a cloud right now. But why is it that you always get the best marks in non-assessable tasks?? :angry:
  12. shimmer205

    4U Marks

    Sorry for a bit of a tangent - but with the talk of ranking I thought I'd ask... I'm thinking about doing Ext2 next year, and if I do it will be a three person class. The two boys are very good in maths and I would expect to come in 2nd or 3rd in most tasks. Ranking wise, is this bad? To some...
  13. shimmer205

    What's your motivation?

    I agree with you. When i feel burnt out, I read some of the threads on this site. It makes me want to keep going, sort of like I'm not alone with this darn HSC!!
  14. shimmer205

    What's your motivation?

    Ouch... Cocky much??
  15. shimmer205

    What's your motivation?

    Hey guys, Do many of the year 11ers out there know what they want to do at Uni? It's very inspiring to see how hard lots of you are working! If you don't know what you are planning to do after school, how do you get the motivation to keep working towards a fantastic UAI? I have no idea what...
  16. shimmer205

    Subject choice advice

    Hey everybody, just looking for some advice... I have to drop a subject next year, probably modern history or beginners French, and would greatly appreciate any advice on which would be the wise choice. There isn't a major difference in my marks in the two subjects. Has anyone got any idea...