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    2015 Sem 2 Finals Thread

    My bunghole is quivering for FINS2624
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    WAM needed to be competitive for jobs?

    Pretty sure they stop caring after credit and instead start looking at other facets of your resume. Obviously, it's different for different industries where some just require higher wams to be competitive but I think overall, the value of your resume as a whole needs to be competitive.
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    2015 Sem 2 Finals Thread

    Getting my butthole ready for a first year subject :^)
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    GEN ED Question

    Does it have to be from that general education list or can it be any course outside your faculty?
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    Acct1501: Cash receipt journals QUESTION

    I would say D. I havn't done this stuff in 2 years though xD
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    economics major

    Well I mean, you only have to do 3 statistics related courses over the whole degree so it really depends on how you like it. I'm indifferent with statistics but fairly happy with how I did with them
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    economics major

    Economics major here. If you don't like statistics, i recommend you look at something else like finance or accounting?
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    need FINS1613 Past papers

    I don't think they release past papers for 1613 because I could never find them when I did the course. You should really be fine if you are studying properly with Peter Andersen slides because they are probably the best way to get good grades imo
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    Past Papers

    1202 doesn't release official past papers unfortunately.
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    Best Economics Major?

    Second major is important ay
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    FINS1613 MiDSEM!!

    tfw only 88 in second sem. Yo, just find the Peter Anderson slides online. They should be pretty easy to find and they're killer to study with.
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    gotta study aye
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    Questions about Equity Scholarships

    Depends on how bad of a financial disadvantage. That being said, I know a few people who suffered financial setbacks in the HSC and were told by their school authority that it isn't really a solid grounds for an equity scholarship, unless really good grades and other activities despite your...
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    UNSW 2015 Sem 1 Results Thread

    good thing I did general maths :^)
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    UNSW 2015 Sem 1 Results Thread

    dw I lied, im taking 2206 next sem though
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    UNSW 2015 Sem 1 Results Thread

    I failed 2 subjects :/
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    UNSW 2015 Sem 1 Results Thread

    I've never wanted to be so disappointed
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    UNSW 2015 Sem 1 Results Thread

    Where r my marks :'(