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  1. kuromusha

    CFA and CAIA journal

    Re: CFA journal.. 88 days of Shaolin Monk level of abstinence and discipline! Hopeful 75 days left. Read R5 and R6, revised R46 and 47. Vocab cards reset.
  2. kuromusha

    Kuromusha's English Vocabulary Expansion Journal

    these words are not studied in an alphabetical order, they are all encountered randomly as I read novels, obviously the really easy words are just added for the sake of adding to make up my quota. I just listed them here alphabetically because it's easier to read.
  3. kuromusha

    CFA and CAIA journal

    Re: CFA journal.. 88 days of Shaolin Monk level of abstinence and discipline! Hopeful Spend the whole day adding a thousand practice questions from the official CFA material end of the reading into cards.
  4. kuromusha

    CFA and CAIA journal

    Re: CFA journal.. 88 days of Shaolin Monk level of abstinence and discipline! Hopeful Need to stop playing skyrim...
  5. kuromusha

    Kuromusha's English Vocabulary Expansion Journal

    wiggle vs wriggle?
  6. kuromusha

    I need a guide in Sydney!

    pm me a pic.
  7. kuromusha

    I need a guide in Sydney!

    Are you attractive? If you are you are welcome to stay at my place and I can show you Sydney around when I'm not studying. I can show you all the secret Sydney urbex sites that no one on this forum or any travel agencies could possibly know.
  8. kuromusha

    Kuromusha's English Vocabulary Expansion Journal

  9. kuromusha

    Kuromusha's English Vocabulary Expansion Journal

    Deck 2: convert to noun This deck consist of all the base nouns derived from a morpheme, or in rare cases, the noun is the morpheme but because it is used a lot less than its inflicted adjective (eg, fury>furious), I will put it into this deck. This deck is about two weeks old. Currently...
  10. kuromusha

    Kuromusha's English Vocabulary Expansion Journal

    Deck 1: spelling. My spelling Deck was started 20 months ago, but only been adding vocabs seriously in the last two months. Currently spelling deck status right now is 2248/3861@3.8 (mature cards out of total number of cards with average interval of 3.8 months) The 3861 spelling words are...
  11. kuromusha

    Kuromusha's English Vocabulary Expansion Journal

    Dictionaries are American: Merriam Webster's 11 th Collegiate Dictionary Merriam Webster's Unabridged Dictionary British Oxford Advanced Learners's Dictionary Cambridge Advanced Learners's Dictionary Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Corpus THE CORPUS OF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN ENGLISH
  12. kuromusha

    Kuromusha's English Vocabulary Expansion Journal

    Mission: To expand English vocabulary significantly above average educated native Australian English speaker. Ultimate Goal: 1. knowing the meaning the top 50,000 words by frequency. This will be my passive vocabulary repertoire, knowing 50,000 in an arbitrary number, but it will put me...
  13. kuromusha

    Suits thread

  14. kuromusha

    Suits thread

    Watching the Suits S05E10 at the moment, Michael Ross talking to his priest. Michael said "I'm going to public school, I'm not saying that I took the cash, if I did, I'll be smart enough to do the maths. My parents put $3 in the collection plate every week, $3 a week for 52 week for six...
  15. kuromusha

    A tutor scammed me

    it's a civil matter! police won't do shit.
  16. kuromusha

    What do I do if i got no formal date?

    I like young licentious nubile girls.
  17. kuromusha

    CFA and CAIA journal

    Re: CFA journal.. 88 days of Shaolin Monk level of abstinence and discipline! Hopeful Finished reading R49. Introduction to Industry and Company Analysis. 16 vocabs added, total 278 cards. company analysis competitive strategy cyclical company economic profit experience curve income trust...
  18. kuromusha

    CFA and CAIA journal

    Re: CFA journal.. 88 days of Shaolin Monk level of abstinence and discipline! Hopeful Finished reading R48. Overview of Equity Securities. 31 vocab added. total. 262 American depository receipt American depository share basket of listed depository receipts book value callable common shares...
  19. kuromusha

    CFA and CAIA journal

    Re: CFA journal.. 88 days of Shaolin Monk level of abstinence and discipline! Hopeful Goal for Week 38 is finish reading Session 14 and 15.