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  1. W

    Is standard english THAT bad?

    oh right, I forgot to mention people that are pressured by the teachers to take it..btw it's "you're" :P. Did you do standard? haha
  2. W

    Is standard english THAT bad?

    Standard English is for kids who are being forced to complete year 12, want to study bricklaying at TAFE, and aren't allowed to pick ESL(bogans bro...)
  3. W

    How should i be studying?

    ....don't study more than 5 hrs a day, seriously...^7,8 hrs?! that's crazy and you'll end up doing pointless extra work to fill in the time. It's much better to set goals for your study, something like, " today i need to learn this concept then consolidate it using these past paper...
  4. W

    Tuition Hours per Week

    i know a kid who got tutored 7 hrs a week, her family wasn't particularly rich but they invested in her education..she does med now. I don't think it's right to say 'tutoring is completely worthless unless you're a complete idiot'... the hsc isn't about measuring intelligence, it's a game we're...
  5. W

    Misfits on e4

    when I read 'misfits on e4', I thought this thread was going to be about how all high achievers are socially inept lol..
  6. W

    $200 CityRail Penalty Appeal HELP

    lol appeal so that it doesn't appear on your criminal record check for med school (I think they still ask for the check nowadays)
  7. W

    $200 CityRail Penalty Appeal HELP

    man you got unlucky that this cityrail guard was a dick, they didn't have to fine you for that, could've been a simple warning. Write them a letter appealing the fine i guess edit: actually most of the guards are lazy assholes, that's why they take the job in the first place - no degree...
  8. W

    The Anime Thread

    Bible Black *thumbs up!
  9. W

    Does God exist?

    if god exists then why am I still fat, ugly and lonely? Actually,he might exist, I have wicked dota skills...
  10. W

    Modern Music like KPOP vs Classical Music (e.g Mozart)

    i'm not chinese, and there's no point arguing with you is there you're just determined to be racist.
  11. W

    Gap year.. to think about what i want to do

    if you take a gap year make sure you have something else lined up - a job, backpacking around europe, cause if u dont it'll be realll boring
  12. W

    Modern Music like KPOP vs Classical Music (e.g Mozart)

    wow how low can you get, laughing at people's misery; those workers enter into contracts that don't let them quit (that's why the killed themselves to get out of it), but they do it in the first place because they have to provide for their families you racist, little, bitch! It's people like you...
  13. W

    Medicine - UMAT and interview

    WHERE'S MINE HUH?!! lol i'm kidding, but @ carrotsticks - i always thought you earned money while doing the speciality too :/ This changes things a bit for me.... Oh and don't say 'I've wanted to do med since I was little', because your ideas of being a doctor at 5 tend to be romanticised.
  14. W

    Are most of your classes with your friends ??

    go for usyd, I hear there are so many hot chicks there that they don't know what to do with them.
  15. W

    Are most of your classes with your friends ??

    can that be a six year degree? because i know someone who listed their graduating year from that degree as 2017 but i thought the degree was 5 years.
  16. W

    Are most of your classes with your friends ??

    you said 'chicks come second' lol :) hey what degree are you studying btw?
  17. W

    Are most of your classes with your friends ??

    lol that isn't answer i was hoping for :( what's university life without random hotties to hit on? ... what's the point, what does it all mean.. what's real what isnt?
  18. W

    Are most of your classes with your friends ??

    you ignored the more important half of the question! and i don't get engo/comm as a degree the two fields aren't exactly related are they?
  19. W

    Are most of your classes with your friends ??

    what about engo/comm? plus i hear that commerce has all the hot chicks, comment anyone?