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  1. victoria10

    national burning of year all 7-10 books?

    na its funner to burn them. lol
  2. victoria10

    Age/Gender of Supervisors

    ours were all old. we have 4 women and 2 men
  3. victoria10

    national burning of year all 7-10 books?

    the only thing my friends and i are doing is burning our dress and like uniforms and the boys are burning their white shirts. like our junior uniform. we are having a bon fire. but i am getting one of my dresses signed cause i am chnaging to the senior campus next year. do that :)
  4. victoria10

    geography school certificate

    i picked coastal management but i wish i had chosen urban growth and decline. i would have had more too write about if i did.
  5. victoria10

    What happens if you forget to put student number/school number?

    haha yeah everyone at mine was 214 i guess we are cooler. lol kidding school number 127 :) WOO!
  6. victoria10

    Did anyone else stop during the Maths test at 11:00 today for 1 minute silence?

    well we heard all the bells go and stuff. but we were already quiet so it didnt really matter. i wasnt even concerntrating on my exam. band 4 here i come!
  7. victoria10

    History and geography

    yeah they are seperate but geo would prob make up for a my history. i am crap with dates. forgot them all lol
  8. victoria10

    crap supervisors

    we had this woman who was irritating all of us. she made me miss my bus yesterday and today another lady let us go and she full went crazy then the lady who let us go was like they missed their buses yesterday! ohhh she was like arghh...
  9. victoria10

    Which history questions did you find retarted?

    everything in the history paper was like weird. i found geo easy though. but history there was one worded funny and i got confused
  10. victoria10

    So, how are marks determined?

    yeah i think they do but im not sure. because not all schools have yearlys. mine do which is lame but yeahh.
  11. victoria10

    What happens if you forget to put student number/school number?

    i double or triple checked my number and center number. i like remember my number 21409057 pretty cool. its on my myspace lol.
  12. victoria10

    Who found the SC Easy?

    thats why i didnt bother too much. im only gunna study for hist and geo.
  13. victoria10

    SC- what did you do to kill time while waiting for the bell to go?

    our year just started all dropping pens and the supervisors were like what's going on? lol
  14. victoria10

    SC- what did you do to kill time while waiting for the bell to go?

    enlgish i finished 20 mins ealry and i sat there waiting for the time to go past. then some lame year 7 kids kicked a soccer ball against the big roller door in our gym and the supervisor went and yelled at them and that was entertaining. lol science our whole year finished with half an hour...
  15. victoria10

    what questions did u stuff up

    the experiment science question. fail miserably. lol
  16. victoria10

    Who found the SC Easy?

    i have a feeling that because i found them easy i am gunna not do well. it always happens to me... :(
  17. victoria10

    LOL. who didn't study? i aced that betch.

    yeah i didnt bother studying. only a bit for science but it still made no sense. so i just went in not studying. i will study for history and geo. thats it.
  18. victoria10

    Hardest Question! HELP!

    yeah i was gunna say wasnt it in m? lol.
  19. victoria10

    Bushranger Question SC English

    i failed that question miserably. i didnt even no what i was going on about. lol
  20. victoria10

    Hardest Question! HELP!

    um i measerd it as 7cm and i put down 14 but i think i was wrong. lol all i put in the boxes was 14 lol