the only thing my friends and i are doing is burning our dress and like uniforms and the boys are burning their white shirts.
like our junior uniform.
we are having a bon fire.
but i am getting one of my dresses signed cause i am chnaging to the senior campus next year.
do that :)
well we heard all the bells go and stuff.
but we were already quiet so it didnt really matter.
i wasnt even concerntrating on my exam.
band 4 here i come!
we had this woman who was irritating all of us.
she made me miss my bus yesterday and today another lady let us go and she full went crazy then the lady who let us go was like they missed their buses yesterday!
ohhh she was like arghh...
enlgish i finished 20 mins ealry and i sat there waiting for the time to go past.
then some lame year 7 kids kicked a soccer ball against the big roller door in our gym and the supervisor went and yelled at them and that was entertaining. lol
science our whole year finished with half an hour...
yeah i didnt bother studying.
only a bit for science but it still made no sense.
so i just went in not studying.
i will study for history and geo.
thats it.