Search results

  1. N

    Medical Science?

    These are people I personally met and investigated Computer Science Grad with 3-4 years experience ie. 24 yo $75,000 Mechanical Engineer in Mining industry with 5yrs experience ie.29yo $120,000 Accountant with 6 months experience ie 23yo $45,000 Nurse with 3 years exp...
  2. N

    Medical Science?

    Step1: Go to ( Australia's largest job site) Step2: Seach for " Medical Science" under Industry = Healthcare ...remeber to keep the " " Step3: Count the number of result Step4: Repeat for " Computer Science " or " Environmental Science" in the respective industry...
  3. N

    Medical Science?

    KatieTully: 1. Hospital Scientist usually have a PHD not just a Bachelor in Med Sci. The figures you give are probably correct , but what they didnt state is that Scientist = PHD PHD means 8-9 years study after Secodary start work when you are 26 years old ! There are...
  4. N

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    No one's claiming all foreign students in Aussie Uni are elite. There are many ordinary ones. If you are in class and stuck with that bunch, doesn't it say more about you? Why couldn't you have gotten into a Uni/ Course with a higher UAI? Why are you stuck with a bunch of underqualified Asians...
  5. N

    Depression & University.

    I know you dont expect this answer. One of the biggest causes of depression is dietary deficiency of Magnesium. If you dont have enuff Mg, you may get alll of some of these symptoms: tense, cramps, migraine, difficulty sleeping, teeth grinding , panic attacks just depressed. Either take...
  6. N

    Medical Science?

    Medical Science degree ( 3 years)is not the same as Medicine degree ( typically 5 years) . Medical Science allows you to work as a Lab Tech in a Pathology lab ....examining blood, urine ,stool and tissue samples. Also can become a techncian in a Hospital It is a VERY lowly paid job...
  7. N

    choosing which "computer" course

    Have a look at the various options here: How about Compter Games Programming ? It's a growth industry in Oz I heard.
  8. N

    Links for Austalian Medicine, Dentistry candidates

    Here's a link that list all the medical degree programmes in Australia:
  9. N

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    Sigh disapppoint a ethnic group that faces are demonstrating racism yourself
  10. N

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    ...who compete with more stupid redneck Yobbos like you ....
  11. N

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    Actually I think you made an excellent point. Throughout Asia, Australians have a reputation of being Laid Back. Some people may read that as " Not Motivated or Apathetic" Asian who choose Australia over USA or UK universities do so knowing it's easier to compete against redneck...
  12. N

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    Perhaps you are not aware that Internationals tend to do very well at University...They come from the elite of their country and having to pay Full Fees at Aussie Unis gives them enuff motivation to out perform bigots like you.... Wake up, Australia depends on Asia for its economic...
  13. N

    do i have to buy a Good Universities Guide

    You can get free info on which Uni offers law here:
  14. N

    Uni course ideas?

    This link might help:
  15. N

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    I think it helps to speak proper get more respect!