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  1. K

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2009)

    oh wow its like your constant bos updates on doing super insipid and mundane things guess what mr pot kettle black noone cares
  2. K

    What type of jeans?

    okay jeans that stretch overly are fucking gay eg apc which everyone loves to have a circlejerk over cos its selvedgey- too bad it stretches like shit and the fit is fucking terrible with both cure and standard unless you have fat legs in which case you shouldn't be wearing skinny/slim denim
  3. K

    What the best ever film

    okay this thread is full of 1)dumbcunts who wouldn't know a good movie if it slapped you in the face and 2)pretentious wankers who are throwing out names of postmodern films which they didn't really understand but think they will look cool because they have seen it and 'love' it
  4. K

    What to wear at funeral

    dont wear a suit; suits are full of joy
  5. K

    Moral relativity?

    forgot the final part of that quote...kill a man and you're a murderer, kill many and you're a conqueror, kill them all and you're a god (Jean Rostand)