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  1. D

    Accommodation/ANU lifestyle

    The student experience at Unilodge has probably improved a bit since the bad old days but in general they're newer but worse socially, less of a college culture while being more expensive. Burton and Garran Hall (Can't comment on the new Fenner, could only comment on the old one) will tend to...
  2. D

    Reasons to re-think ANU.

    Yeah these are all very true, (1) is something school leavers have no chance of understanding unless it's explained to them. Canberra is a very difficult city to get a start in, APS grad recruitment is very rigid with set yearly intakes and subject to government decisions. If they decide to thin...
  3. D

    Reasons to re-think ANU.

    Well well, it looks like ANU created a "reasons to choose ANU" page a few months after I posted this thread back in 2015. They got rid of it sometime in the last year but it looks like my effortpost inspired a little marketing response attempting to address the points I made about the reality...
  4. D

    The Australian National University (ANU) is a terrible university and will ruin your future

    Funny that ANU seems to produce a lot of bitter grads. This is a pretty familiar story. Many high achieving students in Canberra are just railroaded into going to ANU because there isn't any other option besides deferring unless their parents are willing and able to help them move interstate...
  5. D

    Fourth year law student - ask me anything!

    I'm pretty sure he meant commerce OR arts.
  6. D

    Reasons to re-think ANU.

    So Bruce Hall is definitely going to be demolished now and will be replaced by rip-off dorms packed with internationals. I can't imagine any of the other Go8 universities setting out to destroy their own collegiate institutions. Most such places have members of parliament, state premiers...
  7. D

    Why is ANU CBE's deferred exam first week of next semester?

    Agree it's retarded, not sure why. CBE does a bunch of weird things, for instance their summer school courses are non-award and you have to apply to have them credited to your program, when I was there they charged full fees to domestic students for those courses too. You can seek permission...
  8. D

    Reasons to re-think ANU.

    Yeah makes sense. I forgot they had the same caterers.
  9. D

    Reasons to re-think ANU.

    Fenner hall is effectively being moved to the Bruce site, the buildings are old and not in great condition, they'll probably sell the site once light rail is done or turn it into another unilodge style thing. Building two halls in place of Bruce means they can axe Fenner without reducing...
  10. D

    Reasons to re-think ANU.

    Just regarding the bonus points, ANU has always been extremely generous to students from regional areas and sucks in a lot of students from regional NSW (and some from further afield) that way. If you go to any school covered by: it's an automatic 5 points...
  11. D

    Reasons to re-think ANU.

    Well, I'm an ANU alumnus so I figured I'd give some feedback so people can see the other side of things. The job aspect is very real and it's only going to get tougher for grads in the coming years, if you choose to move to Canberra and choose to focus on the Canberra job market without...
  12. D

    Flexible Double Law Degree Advice

    late reply but nobody is really going to care what the name of the non-law part of your degree is. People definitely do go on exchange at ANU. If MQ actually lines up internships for you that's something somewhat valuable that's worth taking into account. (don't know if they do but you...
  13. D

    How to survive at uni?

    Possible with Youth Allowance + casual work here and there, difficult and probably impossible if you can't get youth allowance if you're doing something like Science. With a low contact, low-ish workload degree like arts or many business sort of degrees you can work a fair bit but for...
  14. D

    Politics,Philosophy,Economics vs Economics

    The PPE is an economics flavored arts degree. By default it only includes a third of the core economics courses (Micro 1 and 2) you could put Micro 3 and Macro 1, 2 and 3 in as electives if you wanted, but you won't get the same breadth within economics as you'd get from doing an Economics...
  15. D

    Reasons to re-think ANU.

    You pay more for less and have to put up with authoritarian corporate drones running the place.
  16. D

    Reasons to re-think ANU.

    Just to comment on some of ixander's points: Sure but this goes for any uni and everything else that’s been said applies. Any Go8 uni will do. ANU isn't special, USyd, Melbourne, UQ, etc are all very academically focused institutions as well, it's not a trade-off, they all do world class...
  17. D

    Reasons to re-think ANU.

    I have no idea how medicine in particular compares with other uni's. Given medicine is basically the only degree that comes close to guaranteeing a job on graduation (at least for domestic students) I don't think it matters as much. Personally I'd go almost anywhere else because Canberra is a...
  18. D

    Reasons to re-think ANU.

    I was an ANU graduate some years ago and have since ended up returning to study at another Go8 University, far far way from Canberra. I happened to look at this forum, saw a couple of 'halp I'm stuck at unilodge' posts, and thought I'd share my thoughts. Yes I'm bitter. ANU does a pretty good...
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    ANU is not in any way shape or form the best university in Australia, especially for undergrads. The thing it most has going for it is the better opportunity to live on campus. The teaching at the undergrad level is not particularly standout, in a lot of ways the facilities are not that...