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    Engineering is always demanding. I'd think twice about doing Engineering at ANU though UNLESS you really do actually want to do systems engineering. You CANNOT do a normal engineering degree at ANU - Civil, Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical, ANU doesn't do them, their electrical related majors...
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    B&G or UniLodge?

    FYI B&G got rid of unisex bathrooms at the end of 2006, there was some incident where some creep was photographing girls in the shows, police were involved and recommended the college make that change, so they did. I doubt they ever switched back since then, they were separated the year I...
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    Chances are citygate has fewer roaches than fenner.
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    Chicks at ANU

    Okay. As far as courses are concerned, no idea. As for colleges - there are hot and ugly chicks everywhere, however if you're going to select a college based on getting laid, then Johns and Burgman for catered, B&G for self catered.
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    Federal Budget 2009-10

    The biggest joke is the forward estimates. Going by the treasury assumptions, the 'most serious downturn since the great depression' will be milder than the 'recession we had to have'. Yeah I believe that. Totally.
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    Open Day

    You heard correctly. Bruce/Burgman/Johns FTW
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    Labor Right Steamrolls Again

    Bit of a shame about woroni though isn't it? Losing despite being clearly better, damn. Students get the student newspaper they deserve I guess.
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    ANU work experience and what's it's really like in Canberra

    Canberra is only any good if you're living on campus or manage to find a house in the inner north. Ending up out in the suburbs aka satellite cities makes socializing difficult and expensive. Not so much of a problem for me, since I grew up in Canberra and have friends from high school, but...