Search results

  1. Deathwatch

    6 units of science?

    oh my god you guys. I reckon i'm alright. I'm in year ten however I am doing extension 1 HSC next year so i reckon i can manage all three sciences
  2. Deathwatch

    Muslim War protester abuse Soldiers at Homecoming Parade

    I guess they have the right but I really don't understand why they would
  3. Deathwatch

    should all corpses be used as a biofuel?

    does anyone have any realiable information as to how much corpses can be a help to the environment?
  4. Deathwatch

    Should pre-marital sex be illegal?

    Hey check this sh*t you have to be 16 to have sex however you need to be 18 to watch other people in movies having sex isn't that weird?
  5. Deathwatch

    what are you craving atm?

    Chips with a whole load of vinegar and chicken salt. YUM
  6. Deathwatch

    Medicine: UNSW vs USyd

    :jedi:Usyd wins in this context
  7. Deathwatch

    Anyone Play WoW here? :D

    World of Warcraft :ninja:. You guys should stop playing if you are so addicted. Its not good for your brains and you guys should focus on your studies.