Search results

  1. binary star

    Groovin' The Moo

    Oh, De La Soul.. :)
  2. binary star

    Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

    "revenge of the fallen". :haha:
  3. binary star

    It sucks to be young

    Theres heaps of people in your situation. But whats the problem? You get so much free time.
  4. binary star

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    high school musical. all of em.
  5. binary star

    What are the BEST textbooks to buy?

    I reckon Cambridge is good.
  6. binary star

    Favourite Cake???

    mudcake. nothing beats it.
  7. binary star

    Hottest female tennis player (pics included)

    ??? I dont even know half the people on the list..
  8. binary star

    Grey's Anatomy

    another lame drama...
  9. binary star

    So you think you can dance?

    another hyped up show. I reckon the American series was better though.
  10. binary star

    1st year Business Textbooks for sale!!

    60 bucks? Maybe you should offer a discount if someone wants all three.
  11. binary star

    Why do you eat FAST FOOD?

    Its convenient I suppose.
  12. binary star

    Federer end of an era?

    I hope not.
  13. binary star

    Did i choose the right subjects..?

    Looks alright to me.
  14. binary star

    Moving to Sydney..Good idea or not?

    Yeah, you'll get bored of syd as well...
  15. binary star

    Prelim English Related Texts

    I thought they changed the courses.
  16. binary star

    Essential DS games

    There aren't any good DS games.
  17. binary star

    A Taiwanese university opens a porn course

    Learning how to appreciate porn. hmmm
  18. binary star

    The Vatican is on YouTube

    definitely wrong. Challenges the very moral fiber of the Catholic Church. NOOO
  19. binary star

    Valkyrie - Personal (Mini) Review

    Great review. Plan on seeing it sometime soon... if i have time..