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  1. K

    yeah, i assume it's the same for beginners on that =) french extension speaking is a bitch haha...

    yeah, i assume it's the same for beginners on that =) french extension speaking is a bitch haha they like give you a sentence about one of the 3 themes that we study - outsider vs social order (code for belonging FML!), the environment and attachment then you have 10 minutes to prepare 2 orals...
  2. K

    hey np! i dont really check bored of studies too much either, so thats okay =) i'm sure you...

    hey np! i dont really check bored of studies too much either, so thats okay =) i'm sure you were fine =) as long as you could answer most things, it'll be alright! they mark on pronunciation and content, so if you do have a really good pronunciation mark that's always good!! =) my extension...
  3. K

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    french cont. scales really well. d'après moi, c une matiere assez facile...mais je sais pas, ca depends si t'as une bonne connaissance de la grammaire et un bon vocabulaire. sinon, ca va etre un peu dur d'avoir des tres tres bons notes dans les examens. Mais franchement je peux te dire que cest...
  4. K

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    merci! ^^ bonne chance a toi aussi!
  5. K

    i thought he was too, and felt compelled to respond. now i just have to wait till he reads it =)

    i thought he was too, and felt compelled to respond. now i just have to wait till he reads it =)
  6. K

    I have never let my schooling interfere with my education....

    i coach gymnastics. There are 3 home schooled is completely fine, the other two don't talk and dont socialise with anyone else there.
  7. K

    coucou! je viens de lire ton message sur le forum francais, d'apres moi, tu pourrais faire le...

    coucou! je viens de lire ton message sur le forum francais, d'apres moi, tu pourrais faire le 'french ext' si tu fais attention à l'orthographe et des petits trucs de grammaire, sinon ca sera dur d'avoir une bonne note car les eleves sont assez forts en francais - pour le lycee. moi je pense...
  8. K

    Who is doing French Extension???

    omg, i know! orals are like massive stressssss! i don't think you really can prepare for them =( just hope for the best haha
  9. K

    thankyou! thats because i lived in france ^^ (p.s. did you like my cutting down of the tool in...

    thankyou! thats because i lived in france ^^ (p.s. did you like my cutting down of the tool in that french posty thingy. wow, am i retarded? or just computer illiterate?)
  10. K

    School Fees

    21, camps, uniform etc. and then they like to put the "voluntary building fund" with a minimum of $1000 on the bill too...geez!
  11. K

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    ahah c'est vrai que tu es le meilleur, on admire tous ta maitrise de la langue ! c'est vrai que tu es exellent, il n'y a rien à redire la dessus. J'aimerais bien être comme toi ! tu pourrais m'apprendre à être la meilleure ? Arrête d'être arrogant, ça sert à rien et ton avis, on s'en passe.
  12. K

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    [/COLOR][/COLOR] en fait je crois qu'ils l'ont fait à cause de la fréquence de ces lettres. On utilise 'Q' beaucoup plus souvent en francais qu'en anglais, donc faut qu'il soit là. Ou, c'est possible que c'est à cause de les vieilles machines à ecrire, je sais pas exactement. mais c'est...
  13. K

    Who is doing French Extension???

    i love french ext =) best thing i ever took. I've finished that stupid novel a few months ago and now we're just working through the extracts and themes stuff. i like being able to express myself properly about issues, but those orals are absolute death! p.s. in France, they study Aboriginals...
  14. K

    La musique francophone

    yelle! qu'elle est vulgaire...pas de classe, mais si on connait l'histoire de cette chanson, c marrant XD
  15. K

    La musique francophone

    moi j'adore Emily Loizeau, elle chante bien, et elle parle tres clairement =) En ce moment, j'ecoute souvent à Liberta de Pep's, c trop bien!
  16. K

    Practice Essay Questions for Belonging

    Re: Essay Topics try asking your English teachers, i'm sure they'd love that you want to write practice papers =)
  17. K

    French Extension: How much work are you doing/what do you do in class?

    we've done 8 extracts in class, and i've finished reading the novel in French (thank goood i've got that over with!!!) =) btw, where did you get these copies in English? =D