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  1. S

    'Saudis would let IAF jets fly over kingdom on Iran mission'

    Because you got trolled. He wanted it turned into a Israel-Palestine thread.
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    The Tomorrow Series

    Am i the only one who cried when robyn died?
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    'Saudis would let IAF jets fly over kingdom on Iran mission'

    Saudi Arabia would be grateful if Iran's nuclear facilities got bombed by Israel. A sworn enemy of Islam? Because they stand up to peaceful members of your modern beautiful peaceful religion (aka terrorists). The humanitarian situation of the palestinians will never change until they can...
  4. S

    School Netbooks are here!

    What are you talking about? The internet access is meant for research and school-related activities (E-mailing work to teachers etc.). Logging in to a DET owned network portal defeats the purpose how..?
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    School Netbooks are here!

    8.9 inches? That's 1.9 inches bigger than the length of my penis. Who wants to play with a 1.6 Ghz penis computer?
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    Smoking in a car with under 16 yr olds now illegal

    Good thing but parents who are addicted to nicotine won't follow it and police officers probably won't pull anyone over to check ages.
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    French President Sarkozy says burqas are 'not welcome' in France

    I never said there was a requirement, but I am saying that the reality in Muslim countries and communities is quite different. Represents was the wrong word. I meant that Pakistan is where where it came from.
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    French President Sarkozy says burqas are 'not welcome' in France

    Agreed. The Burqa represents dirty backwards Pakistani tribal culture. In Islam, women are second to men, the Burqa is just the practical application of that idea. I agree with banning it, but I fear that if it is banned, the men will not even let the women out of the house.
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    hilarious advertisement: kids like their sugar

    That little fuck. Should have slit his throat.
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    French President Sarkozy says burqas are 'not welcome' in France

    The reason for the ban IS relevant, the ban is not about trying to secularize French society even more or targeting one religion (Islam in this case), it is about banning an article of clothing that is oppressive, one that robs a woman of her identity. The fact that it happens to be part of...
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    French President Sarkozy says burqas are 'not welcome' in France

    Durf. He didn't ban the burqa because it is a religious symbol, he banned it because it is a symbol of oppression that happens to be religious. If Christians or Jews wore things that covered their whole body then he would ban them too.
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    French President Sarkozy says burqas are 'not welcome' in France

    Shit things like.. adhere to their religion and culture by wearing a burqa? How do a crosses or Jew stars oppress women?
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    Michael Jackson Dead

    You are an idiot.
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    French President Sarkozy says burqas are 'not welcome' in France

    We should ban short skirts, visible thongs/underwear, bikinis in public etc. because it's symbolic of women being treated as sex objects.
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    French President Sarkozy says burqas are 'not welcome' in France

    Why, because he knows there's going to be riots and possibly terrorist attacks but he did it anyway?
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    Likelihood of a North Korean Attack

    BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | North Korea warns of retaliation After member states of the UN have agreed to search NK ships.
  17. S

    NAB to introduce Muslim-friendly loans

    It's zazzy with better spelling.