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  1. W

    What are you thoughts on the City/Country differences???

    Just wondering what others think is better? Do you think the city is better then the country?? Also is city better then country for -Education ? -entertainment ? -recreation ? etc
  2. W

    Honeywell Engineering Camp 2009

    haha. It was an application process. Had to write a short passage explaining why you think you would be a good applicant.
  3. W

    Honeywell Engineering Camp 2009

    ye, i got in!! i cant wait. Are you going?
  4. W

    There isnt an "adv maths" option...

    there is no advanced maths in the NSW system. Its General>Mathematics>M Ext 1>M Ext 2
  5. W

    Geography Notes for Preliminary Course

    im also in search, anybody??
  6. W

    Official dust storm thread

    some of you have to quit bitching, youll get one dust storm and its the apocalypse, it happens all the time elsewhere, gain an open mind and experiance the world a bit, not your tight little shitty sydney city. flame on.
  7. W

    Victorian bushfires

    I didnt really read all the posts, but i heard that it was started by a falling electrial thingy that is used with powerlines, it started a small fire and with the wind and in spots 30t fuel/hectare meant that it just got out of control so quickly. Such a little thing to cause so much...
  8. W

    Victorian bushfires

    Thats so sad.. but mildly funny at same time