Search results

  1. Persephone87

    Learning about sex/private parts

    Hahah. Exactly. They also have sex shops openly in the streets. OPENLY open.
  2. Persephone87

    staring at chicks.

    OMG! You mean its an EYE? I thought it was an evil emu.
  3. Persephone87

    Your first EVER crush?

    I had a crush on this tennis coach too! Soren from Sweden! Why is it always the subs that are hot???
  4. Persephone87

    Your first EVER crush?

    My first crush was this guy called steven in primary school, yr was one of those "lets get marrried" things as well, and we always used to chase eachother on the playground. I remember he came to my birthday party and we kissed underwater, just a peck though :p Actually when he first...
  5. Persephone87

    is canberra really a hole? and boring?

    Don't you have Ziff on speed dial yet? :p
  6. Persephone87

    changing preferences overseas

    Yeah I'm afraid too...I'm going to be in Belgium, which is a french speaking country, thus their servers are french too? (Sorry, completely computer illiterate, I'm a bit stupid with these things...)
  7. Persephone87

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    I was 11 when I hit puberty.. Anyway, I was a sweet 16er for not so long :p
  8. Persephone87

    Orgies at schoolies

    Queensland yobbos? mmmhhhhmmm, real diverse.
  9. Persephone87

    onstage people '05'

    3 people from our school did...
  10. Persephone87

    First job

    I worked in a little clothes boutique for old ladies :p it was really good because it was so quiet so I didnt have toto heaps. Got paid $10 an hour for doing nothing! :D
  11. Persephone87

    Orgies at schoolies

    Remember, if IT is not on, its not ON ;)
  12. Persephone87

    Ranks available from nv 12

    Yes. My school hasnt been giving continuous rnk placing. Only indvidualrank for each assesssment :(
  13. Persephone87

    How to get a girls number in 3 minutes

    You know, all this works as easily for girls as guys.
  14. Persephone87

    Is anyone here in your exam room?

    I'm in exam centre 2. (Abbotsleigh)
  15. Persephone87

    How do u tell a friend u like her?

    Aint that just the question.
  16. Persephone87

    people who just want to say something to anyone

    Pericles is a penishead. That is all.
  17. Persephone87

    1984 - George Orwell

    I wanted to use it for telling the truth...but it is cutting to close to its use in powerplay. Thus, I switched to Animal Farm. Anyhoo, maybe check out some of his essays? they're great.
  18. Persephone87

    What Pen?

    I like plain biros. I like how expendible they are...I feel like god with them in my hand :p
  19. Persephone87

    Where do you meet your partners??

    Over the fence at a friends place :p (past)