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  1. Persephone87


    Europes better.
  2. Persephone87


    Im going overseas for a couple of months instead.
  3. Persephone87

    when do u want to get MARRIED/have a BABY!

    26-7 for kids, 25 for marriage?
  4. Persephone87

    the rents and the lover

    Thats harder to do than you think sometimes.
  5. Persephone87

    the rents and the lover

    I know! It sucks being the first child.
  6. Persephone87

    The 9 Preferences

    All I like at the moment is 1. BA Liberal Studies (int) @ USYD 2. BA Advanced Arts @ USYD 3. BA Arts @ USYD 4. BA Arts (Europe) @ ANU 5. BA Arts/Law @ ANU Probably will major in one of these areas: Politics, English or History (Maybe Philosophy) I want to be a diplomat.
  7. Persephone87

    going down there...

    too metallic
  8. Persephone87

    Anyone just given up on Ancient?

    I like ancient..... ....but I hate pericles
  9. Persephone87

    For the sake of it or not?

    regular sex has got to be a plus, but I wouldn't want to get away from a guy who completely makes me melt just from a glance
  10. Persephone87

    For the sake of it or not?

    What makes you want to get into a relationship?
  11. Persephone87

    Age Difference

    hmmm 23 is my limit
  12. Persephone87

    How do you get a girl to like you?

    Thats how you got me.
  13. Persephone87

    What's your sexuality?

    ewwwwwwwwww thatd be disgusting morgues are scary
  14. Persephone87

    What's your sexuality?

    bestiality ?
  15. Persephone87

    What's your sexuality?

    Het but I have flings with HSC4life
  16. Persephone87

    remeber william hung?

    Does anyone care?
  17. Persephone87


    My first came over a game of Yahtzee
  18. Persephone87

    Going To Fail!!

    but if youve done really badly in the last assessments no matter how much you try the mark will still be low...z-scores anyone? *cries*
  19. Persephone87

    Economic paradigms & A Doll's House

    How about the middle class setting? Nora interacts more with objects than people at the begining, and that switches towards the end. Also, you should consider the issue of Noras fraud, or the fact that as a woman she can not make finacial descisons, and that Krogstad is barred from making a...
  20. Persephone87

    Private school fees

    Um...they have signs EVERYWHERE NOW BIG YELLOW AND UGLY! and the auditorium is now called the 'Peter Duly Concert Hall'...:(