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  1. foram

    Assignments or Exams?

    yes. A lot easier.
  2. foram

    Which subject do you find the most boring so far?

    lyounamu, you'll do fine in chemistry. You're motivated, you're smart, you work hard, and chem isn't very hard anyway. :D I'm sure you'll do well in any subject as long as you stay motivated! :D
  3. foram

    Which subject do you find the most boring so far?

    Mine is English all the way. There is no need to highlight it over and over again but I would like to openly express my aversion towards it. Through this open notification, I hope that no one continues with this pathetic subject where all the contents are totally bizarre and absurd.
  4. foram

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    Not really. Essays in economics have nothing to do with essays in english, except for the use of english.
  5. foram

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    like 99% of the Adv.English course is pointless.
  6. foram

    Assignments or Exams?

    Projectile motion is easy. I reckon Simple Harmonic Motion questions can get a lot tricker than projectile motions questions. Ofcourse, it's not as if SHM is very hard either. It's the subjects where you think that shows who has the brains. Not who can memorise their textbook better. Math =...
  7. foram

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    English sucks. It should only be compulsary for people who did badly in the SC. The majority of people who vote english to be compulsary are women.
  8. foram

    public school or private school to do better in HSC?

    Sydney grammar is a very good private school. But selective schools are public and most of the top schools are selective schools.
  9. foram

    Studying over the holidays (yr 11 exams)

    lol, some people are really stupid. i met this girl who thought medicare was private health insurance.
  10. foram

    Studying over the holidays (yr 11 exams)

    Don't worry. you can play Hero Line War Lition with me on Bored Aussie if you burn out. :D
  11. foram

    microsoft word - bullet points

    you need word 2007 i think. You you select the different types from the drop down list beside the bullet point button at the top.
  12. foram

    Studying over the holidays (yr 11 exams)

    I can't study. I'm busy procrastinating by solving my rubix cube many many times. I've gotten down to 2 mins approx. :( I'm so nerdy now.
  13. foram

    Teen kills her baby so she could go party **ONLY IN AMERICA**

    shes crazier than me! Shes really insane!
  14. foram

    why do people think B arts = unemployment??

    I don't study all day during the holidays. It doesn't take that long to learn a module of a prelim course.
  15. foram

    why do people think B arts = unemployment??

    suggesting that my view are absurd, is absurd.
  16. foram

    The Obernewtyn Chronicles

    I thought the full metal alchemist movie was good. :D
  17. foram

    Cheating in a HSC assessment/test.

    lol, i cheated in biology in yr 10, and I still failed. I cut notes up and put them in my pencil case, but my notes were incomplete, and I didn't understand the questions, :(
  18. foram


    My friend (actually, hes not realyl my friend anymore because of this) he played maplestory for 36hrs straight!