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    I'm planning on writing what I've researched and just continue picking at it and refining... But hopefully a few thousand words by the end of the holidays.
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    ROLLL CALL! Class of 2013 EE2

    One of 7 for EE1, one of 3 for EE2. Small cohort. And noone in my EE2 is doing a short story. Poetry, film and analytical. Still in the self doubt stage, although that is slowly lifting. Who else is planning to do stacks and stacks of EE2 this holidays?
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    History Extension Lectures

    No I didn't, didn't know about it. Will there be more?
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    ROLLL CALL! Class of 2013 EE2

    I've joined and now having realised the scale am into the self doubting stage. Critical response - analytical essay.
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    Is anyone else's school doing the same?

    Death weeks is 7+8. I think they try to break the record each year for the amount of students having a complete nervous breakdown over assessments during death weeks.
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    Viva Voce - already???!

    Thanks for the help and suggestions everyone! Ended up with 19/20 aka 95%! Which I am very very happy with! Not sure what I lost a mark on though :( Wasn't told. Would like to know.
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    Viva Voce - already???!

    I'm still in the research stages of it! Nowhere near ready to actually START writing my MW! It's so early to have it! Might just have my thesis statement or the question/s I'm researching. I've been scrawling in my journal as I've been researching, so that hopefully will keep him happy. With...
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    Viva Voce - already???!

    Hi EE2 of 2013! My Viva Voce is on the 9th of November - weighted at 20% of my final school 50 :vcross: Was just reading the viva voce thread - and most of you didn't have yours until term 2/3 of year 12 (aka term 1/2 of next year), and I'm wondering why mine is so early. Any...
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    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    What does that have to do with anything? I've never had a drink in my life.
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    What car do you drive? (the new one)

    MAKE: Toyota MODEL: Corolla YEAR: 2002 LIKES: Little car, low petrol. DISLIKES: Pretty much everything.... Crawls it's way up to 80k's and whines at 90, has no insulation left, so if there isn't music on your ears ring.... Fuel gauge is gone, drops and rises randomly. can get my foot all the way...
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    Snow sports?

    I ski, also race =D Didn't make it this year because of a knee reconstruction....
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    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    touch training :p same for the next 5 or so days, daily training..... kill me now! I have these nice, but really evil older guys training my team, they push us to the point of nausea/close vomiting... yeah, not keen.
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    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    touch training :p same for the next 5 or so days, daily training..... kill me now! I have these nice, but really evil older guys training my team, they push us to the point of nausea/close vomiting... yeah, not keen.
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    Illnesses, injuries, breakages.. what have you got/had??

    Torn quad muscle, shredded the medial ligament in my knee because my knee dislocated around 18 times in 7 months.... after about 12 the doctors decided it might be a good idea to fix, so I had a lateral release and a patellofemoral reconstruction of my knee 11 months ago - no dislocations since...
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    How many times you failed your P test?

    Failed once, didn't head check at the right time, even though I did it twice every corner -_- the guy I had is notorious for failing over nothing though, I've now found out. Second time, passed 100%, like I should have the first time.
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    Faking logbook hours

    I did all my hours without forging them :/
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    Prelim Exam Results

    Alrighty! Bio - 68% (yep, shocking, am dropping bio) Hospitality - 88% (first from class of 20ish) Ext 1 English - 84% (2nd) Advanced English - Paper 1 - 83%, Paper 2 - 70% (nearly cried. though apparently our entire year bombed out) Modern History - 85% (2nd, by one mark) Legal Studies - 92%...
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    Did your classes actually finish the Prelim course?

    Legal studies finished about 3-4 weeks before final exam week, so we finished halfway through term 3 and we spent the spare weeks revising... Biology was the only subject that didn't quite get finished, the topic on Australian Biota. Modern, SOR, English Adv + Ext all finished on time...
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    My school doesn't have anything like this, but because I have small classes (my biggest is 15 people to a class) the teachers are quite close and good to us... My legal and my modern history teachers are always happy to have a chat or help drag a few extra marks, or mark practice papers or...