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  1. MetroMattums

    Np. :) Yeah I'm Valentine-less. Hows Valentine shaping up? xP

    Np. :) Yeah I'm Valentine-less. Hows Valentine shaping up? xP
  2. MetroMattums

    Why are white people friendlier than asians, in general?

    Asians are bitchy and want to get their study done without interruptions.
  3. MetroMattums

    List your crushes

    Natalie Portman Girls Generation
  4. MetroMattums

    Be My Valentine.

  5. MetroMattums

    Be My Valentine.

    *Had been* sentenced. People change in death.
  6. MetroMattums

    Be My Valentine.

    Haha I would, but unforeseen circumstances placed her out of my reach. Not bitter though.
  7. MetroMattums

    Be My Valentine.

    It's your HSC year. No time for relationships. Go study. Don't be sucked into Valentines day!
  8. MetroMattums

    How much harder is 4 units compared to 3 units?

    Unfortunately, you have to do work for 4U. Lots of it. Don't underestimate it or it'll tear you a new one. Found out the hard way myself... <_<
  9. MetroMattums

    the word Love

    If you really do love the person, then you should be patient enough to wait until both of you are ready to say it to each other. It is selfish to say "I love you" to someone who may not, or may not want to feel the same way at the same point in time. Something legitimate to say would be "I...
  10. MetroMattums

    the word Love

    Don't say "I love you" until you're going to get married... Otherwise it just causes a lot of complications.
  11. MetroMattums

    Who else thinks girls are crap?

    *Cough* Not all girls are like that, dude. Get out more.
  12. MetroMattums

    word limits

    100 words? That's really not that much. Don't worry about it.
  13. MetroMattums

    Future Plans (UAI/Uni/Tafe/Job)

    Re: What ATAR are you aiming for and realistically, what do you think you will get? Aiming for 99.95... But will probably get something like 99.5 if I'm lazy like I am now... :(
  14. MetroMattums

    What Math textbook does your school use?

    Oxford Oh, I mean Cambridge. ><
  15. MetroMattums

    So how many of you have actually studied?

    No, your last real holidays are next year. Take a break - it's only year 11. :P
  16. MetroMattums

    15 units, What subject/s should i drop?

    Modern History + Science. Drop Physics if you don't like applying mathematical concepts. Drop Chemistry if you don't like writing extensively on social aspects of chemistry. Don't know about Biology though.
  17. MetroMattums


    Hahaha hey Jade it's Matt from CMC :) Can you tutor me for English? :P AND Chemistry too. :D Screw that. Everything. You did the exact same subjects as I'm doing now.
  18. MetroMattums

    should i drop Maths 4U?

    4U is 4U for a reason. It IS hard work. It is meant to test your ability to think as well as your ability to solve problems that might not have particularly straightforward solutions. You might not be taking the easy option - but you have to consider yourself, for instance, if you would rather...
  19. MetroMattums

    Post Your Sc Results Here!

    Lol. Only thing I remember about SC: 100 in AusGeo, Band 6 in everything else except AusHistory. AusGeo was like WTFHAX when I got it back ><
  20. MetroMattums

    Are you looking forward to school?

    Yes, but only for the reason that we get our jerseys when we get back.