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  1. IP_freely

    BoS CS:Source Game!

    we should have a 1.6 server seeing most ppl here play 1.6
  2. IP_freely

    What site does everyone use to download music?

    dont be a dick go support ur artists
  3. IP_freely

    Star Wars! (SPOILER WARNING)

    went an saw it Saturday night, top movie haha cant believe Dark Vader has got 2 kids
  4. IP_freely

    Top 10 hip hop albums of all time

    yes my thought stop creating hip hop threads...
  5. IP_freely

    < JB Hi Fi

    Chris stop d/l an support ur artists back on topic yes jb hi fi is teh best for trance cd's and plus its cheap.
  6. IP_freely

    Good Playlists for parties

    rofl i knew that was gonna come
  7. IP_freely

    How often should/do you play?

    most ive played is 4hrs straight playin cs 1.6
  8. IP_freely

    Good Playlists for parties

    bah get some trance into ya then u will no wat music is...stuff this hip/hop/rnb/rap shit
  9. IP_freely

    albums that are better than the overrated 'illmatic'

    jeez hiphop stop creating ur hip/hop/rnb threads tehres 2 many... ne way trance music pawns all
  10. IP_freely

    Good Playlists for parties

    trance music that is all u need
  11. IP_freely

    Good Car Audio Tunes

    i suggest u go for trance music 100-. Solar Stone - Speak In Sympathy 100-. PPK - Resurrection 098-. New Order - Confusion 98-. Jan Johnston - Flesh 97. BT - Dreaming 96. Signum - Second Wave 93-. Utah Saints - Lost Vagueness 93-. GTR - Mistral 93-. Future Sound Of London -...
  12. IP_freely

    Who is in to dance music ????????

    jb hi fi and theres some cheap cd $10 places in the city on pitt st
  13. IP_freely

    urgent opinion

    tues 9-11 my tute teacher is g gwythner or sumshit like that lol u finished yet?
  14. IP_freely

    urgent opinion

    hiphip my friend my tute teacher for socio told me like the minimum is 4 references
  15. IP_freely

    Who is in to dance music ????????

    dj matrix? dj weaver? who the heck r they... use this website i get all my info off there
  16. IP_freely

    Who is in to dance music ????????

    Nu Nrg all the way, followed by tiesto
  17. IP_freely

    What games can I run on a Pent M 1.4, 512ram...

    u can play cs 1.6 my friend had it running smoothly on his p3 500mhz and he was dial up
  18. IP_freely

    diff btw inductive and deductive reasoning?

    can sum1 give me a definition of wat Inductive and Deductive reasoning is? and how is it used by courts in deciding matters ta
  19. IP_freely

    Trance v Hip Hop

    trance pawns all
  20. IP_freely

    trance music

    hey looking at the songs u got there u must listen to rush on nova on saturday nights? and u must have the ultimate rush v2 cd?