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  1. K

    i need notes pls

    I'm afraid that's pretty much the way it is......from what people have told me and from my own experiences, notes <u>DO NOT</u> help much in 3U exams (they help more in 2U than in 3U), but the best way to do well is to practice actual questions. 3U is mainly about applying your knowledge, not...
  2. K

    How To Study Ext 1 Maths????

    Yea.... I'm going to start doing past papers these holidays.....I think I'll do other school trial papers first. But the only problem with doing them again and again is that you already know the answers (especially to difficult questions that you've pondered over for ages) some ways...
  3. K

    Q7 of 3U Harder than Q1-6 of 4U???

    Is that really true? I heard somewhere that Q7 of the 3U paper is foten more difficult than the 1st 6 six questions of the 4U paper. i.e. if you can do Q7 of the 3U paper, you can 72/72 in the 1st 6 six questions of the 4U??
  4. K

    How To Study Ext 1 Maths????

    I've heard the same answer to this question a dozen times - <u>practice past papers</u> and other exercises. I do that, but I find that it doesn't help an awful lot in Ext 1 (it does in 2U though). In my half-yearly exam (which I did a couple of days ago), the teacher who set it threw in a...
  5. K

    Do well in Prelim.....Do well in the HSC??

    OK, cool. I'm never over-confident. One of the things I never take for granted is doing well, or coming first. So, I guess the HSC isn't "harder" as in difficulty, but it's more the pressure and the stress that makes it "feel" different??
  6. K

    anyone doing accelerated maths??

    LOL.... I'm regretting making this post now :) - what with all this bitching and cock-fighting. But anyway......just to clear things up. People who go to a selective school aren't stuck-up or arrogant. People who go to private schools aren't stuck-up or arrogant. And it doesn't matter...
  7. K

    Do well in Prelim.....Do well in the HSC??

    I'm in Year 11 right now, and I'm doing OK. If at the end of the Preliminary year I get around 90 for each of my subjects, can I expect to get around 90 in all of my subjects in the HSC if I continue the same amount of study, homework etc? Is the HSC actually much more difficult than Year 11...
  8. K

    Does Ext 1 Maths Scale That Well?

    Just looking around the posts, it seems that Ext 1 Maths scales a lot better than I thought. Is it actually true that a mark around 70% in the HSC exam will get scaled to around 45/50?? Coz last year (Prelim) I was kind of disappointed with my results. 1st Assessment: 60%, 2nd: 70% and 3rd...
  9. K

    how to add curves?

    how exactly do u add curves? e.g. e^x + e^-x (got this from another post). i dont think ive done "adding curves" for curve-sketching. but how do u look at one curve, look at the other and "add them"?
  10. K

    2/3 unit

    what school do u go to dark_angel?
  11. K

    how was half yearlies???

    for the accelerants...... are u doing 4U maths in yr 11??? coz at my school, i did prelim. 2&3U last year (yr 10) on top of the school certificate exam (i had yr10 and yr11 exams at around the same time)...... this year, yr 11, im doing hsc 2&3U and next year, if i choose to, i can do 4U...
  12. K

    yet another induction question

    so i take it my solution is correct? i find inequality inductions to be the most difficult.....maybe its just me, but i find i have to kind of twist it around a bit (that's the hardest bit). do any of u guys have any tips for solving inequality inductions? ive done some inequality proofs...
  13. K

    yet another induction question

    Q15 from fitzpatrick: Prove: (1 + x)^n >= 1 + nx, x>0 i did the question, but i just want to make sure my proof was valid (or if theres a quicker, easier or better way of proving it). ill skip step 1 (since u can assume it will true for n=1 anyway) STEP 2: Assume S(k) is true...
  14. K

    number of shakespeares for english?

    for anyone doing ext. english (yr 11), how many shakespeares are u studying this year? already this term, my class studies romeo and juliet, and we also had to read another shakespeare for an assessment task :( my prediction.....probably 3 shakespeares in one year.....(plus the ones for ext...
  15. K

    anyone doing accelerated maths??

    i use maths in focus.....well, we're supposed to, but the teacher photocopies other stuff... queenie......whats the standard like at ruse? is the lowest mark generally around 90% or something? i always have the impression that lowest ruse students are actually the highest at other schools :)...
  16. K

    anyone doing accelerated maths??

    :) the guy hasnt even said what textbook he's using......different textbooks = different number of chapters. my class still has trig graphing/differentiation and physical apps of calculus to do in the 2U course. and theres still further physical apps, inverse functions and binomial theorem...
  17. K

    Bad subject combo? get a uai above 80/90, try to do well in all of them.......they're all of equal importance. and if u like them, and do well in them, u'll get a high uai. at my school, u needed to do 2U maths to do chem, and be very good at yr 10 advanced maths to do physics. theres not that...
  18. K

    Half-yearly's start tmr.... in yr 11 right now......i dont think we even have "half-yearlies" at my school. the only set of major exams (i.e. a whole week dedicated only to exams) is at the end of term 3 (i.e. end of yr 11). ive had around 4 assessments already and another couple over the next week and a half...
  19. K

    anyone doing accelerated maths??

    just wondering how many people are doing accelerated maths.....and what topic ur up to. my class is up to diff. of trigs and trig graph sketching......i have my 2nd maths assessment and 1st ext 1 assessment within the text 2 weeks. just for the guys in accel. maths - r u going to do ext 2...
  20. K

    What textbooks are good?

    thx grey... only thing though......i had already read every post by the time i saw ur post. :)