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  1. X

    2014 COMP finals thread.

    I really hope so...probably it'll let me enrol after the official results come out..but wouldn't that be too late for the summer course? :|
  2. X

    2014 COMP finals thread.

    How is that possible? I just did the exam a couple of days ago. There's no results in my academic statement?
  3. X

    2014 COMP finals thread.

    I don't seem to be able to enrol.. I doubt I passed..
  4. X

    2014 COMP finals thread.

    looks like there's some hope...only if my mark assessment was greater than 40..
  5. X

    2014 COMP finals thread.

    thats depressing..are we allowed to enrol into the summer course..even though we don't know if we failed the course yet? cause the summer term seems to start on the 1st of december..while the results wont come out til the 5th?
  6. X

    Transferring from UWS to UTS.. HELP!

    i got into unsw with a gpa of 5 i think you should be able to get into uts with gpa of 5...
  7. X

    2014 COMP finals thread.

    the prac was fucked...gonna fail 1927..
  8. X

    Would a minor in Finance or Information Systems be useful for Computer Science?

    doesn't seem to be possible to do a minor in maths at unsw :|
  9. X

    Would a minor in Finance or Information Systems be useful for Computer Science?

    Apparently, I have to decide a minor for CS still not sure which one to pick, finance or information systems or are there any better minors?
  10. X

    Should i go for electrical engineering at unsw?

    i'll be doing first and second year subs too hehe, only if they accept my credit transfer app..
  11. X

    Should i go for electrical engineering at unsw?

    Okay, so i completed a year at uws. And i got an offer in the main round for electrical engineering at unsw. After enrolling into it, I'm still not sure, if i should for elec engg or not.. Apparently, that it's really hard and there's only 3 per cent of girls in it.. so should i just...