on like a lot of content.
i would have been fine if it was on another day but it had to be on english and when i muther fuking have 2 exams i sacrifice one exam.
lul chem and physics i have breaks in between so like i study in those breaks lol.
I spent holidays procrastinating and chillaxing too much and i was completely burnt out.
until now i'm like super stressed and adrenaline has hit me.
my atar aim is ideally 90+ but cbf anymore so 80+
my uni aim is ideally occupational therapy or something with commerce (tbh i don't even know anymore if i can get into uni)
subs - phys, chem, mathematics
career aim - don't know become rich and i want to buy a puppy dog and i also want to buy a...
lmao i've done mostly study on english and just a tad on hospo for tomorrow and tuesday.
I have invested some time on maths.
0 investment on chem and physics.
do well = money
money = bitchez
bitchez = babies
babies = son
son = money
do bad = tafe
tafe = dumb (if you're lucky enough become tradesman and earn $$$)
dumb = homeless
homeless = eboli
nah too late bruh. hospitality is like instant shit scale. i post that mother fucker in the matrix calculator and if u get 79< your scaling is like 29 lmao so fucking cancerous.
no i need to bitch cause this fucking hospitality is fucking 100%.
i just fucking realised it's 100% yesterday and i was so chill for hospitality because in trials ranked 3rd and was like cbf and get carried nek fucking minit i look at hospitality forum and trials/ranks don't count forshit.
still going to fail no matter how much i study.
belonging is gonna be like some shit ass question that i can't adapt to and then creative will be like the same
Fucking hospitality shit fucking subject. Fucking bad subject in the whole world.
Fucking english and hospitality on the same day is like some virgin kid getting fucked in the ass for the very first time.
Fucking can't believe this shit. Why the fuck is hospitality 100%. I am utterly...