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  1. WeaselPowa

    Boston Marathon Explosions

  2. WeaselPowa


  3. WeaselPowa

    Best 5 games you ever played:

    Was just about to type that until I saw your comment! Add me? ;)
  4. WeaselPowa

    I'm having such a hard time trying to get over this virtual relationship?

    Did this happen before or after you added or he added you on facebook?
  5. WeaselPowa

    Rape appeal for "cultural differences"

    Re: Rape! It's ok if you're a Muslim! True. The system here in Australia is way too lenient ): Makes me sad when someone goes and does something extremely fucked up, only to be sentenced to 20 years in jail. And are you implying feminists are racist? Because that would be hilarious :D
  6. WeaselPowa

    Rape appeal for "cultural differences"

    Re: Rape! It's ok if you're a Muslim! Bullshit. lmao. Granted appeal for raping multiple women because of cultural differences? Give me that lawyer. And we don't do castration in Australia. I'm pretty sure in order for that to happen he would have had to been deported and then castrated.
  7. WeaselPowa

    What would you change about the HSC and why?

    True. This way it would benefit both the 3 unit students and the 2 unit students. With the current system, 2 unit students actually have an advantage over 3 unit students since there is not too much in their course compared to the 3 unit course.
  8. WeaselPowa

    i think i have fucked up badly

    pretty much spot on about what I do with lol. Watching the streams is my ultimate form of procrastination :L actually, i'm probably the victim behind using up all 50 gigs of our internet 1 week before a recharge :D i've tried starcraft before on our government laptops. was never a fast...
  9. WeaselPowa

    i think i have fucked up badly

    yeah because the designers set the bar low enough for many people to play LoL and actually do somewhat decent. (i'm a shining example) I actually had never planned to play anything MOBA related after feeding to creeps in Dota ):
  10. WeaselPowa

    i think i have fucked up badly

    Do you play LoL?
  11. WeaselPowa

    What would you change about the HSC and why?

    Well then surely you would have known someone would have disagreed with your opinion. Especially since you asked for it. Anyway let us end it here. I did not intend this little argument to escalate so far :)
  12. WeaselPowa

    What would you change about the HSC and why?

    Then don't ask for our opinions. But your new here so I can understand your reaction.
  13. WeaselPowa

    What would you change about the HSC and why?

    Oh for the love of god. Maybe you should learn to read your own posts.
  14. WeaselPowa

    What would you change about the HSC and why?

    I totally agree. Also, you talk about reducing competition because it's stressful. Yet scenario number 2 sounds infinitely more stressful then anything I've ever heard of. Making assessments five hours long? Increasing the difficulty of courses so people that want to do well do well...
  15. WeaselPowa

    Margaret Thatcher dead at 87, stroke

    FUCK. She was good ):
  16. WeaselPowa

    HSC Journal

    Probably... if you take in what you read and can remember it then I don't see why not :O
  17. WeaselPowa

    What have you eaten today?

    no lol
  18. WeaselPowa

    What have you eaten today?

    bacon, bacon, egg, oil, wedged between two pieces of bread no milk today. dairy farmers tastes like shit soft bread soup with pumpkin, beef, vegtables some chocolate cake water. helps me think
  19. WeaselPowa

    HSC life

    I just want to get out of school ):