My dream was to get into B Com maj in HR (83 atar) knew I wouldnt get it so was hoping for 75 atar for just a BA in Macq. Still ended with Eng Stand: 77, Modern H: 74, Mus: 77 < FUCK YOU :'(, Spanish cont: 81, Hospo: 87. Calculates to a 66ish according to einstein, fml. Don't worry about it...
If it makes you feel any better I can empathise with you. Studied my arse off in the last 6 weeks, tried a bit during the year. All for nothing now. Oh well, there are so many gateways, just might take a little 6 months of your life, no biggie. Look up Macq uni alternative pathways just for an...
fuck life. 6 weeks study 10 hrs a day 7 days a week for hsc exams, all the stressful assessments and internal exams FOR FUCKING NOTHING what a waste of time.
fuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark................ needed 75 atar estimated 69. One bloody mistake in my music 1 hsc perf fucked me over, SCREW YOU MUSIC :( Should of tried harder during the year in modern. 66 internal 82 ext. /end rage.
I totally agree aye, fearing the tohught of waking up tomorrow morning. Off topic, just curious for your Hist ext 1/1 how does ranking go abouts for that? If you could be bothered to answer lol
It all comes down to this wow. Just a quick question, at 6 we get our scaled hsc exam marks, that correct? Tomorrow the evil two digit number?
thankyou (:
oh sorry, average marks throughout the year... Eng = 80ish, modern = 60ish :\, Spanish 85-90's, Music 80 - 90 (didn't do a core performance (10%)), Hospo like 70's(doesn't count though?) I thought marks don't matter just ranks? If you're reffering to HSC marks well i'm thinking 80 for Eng, 80...
English (Standard) - 6/74 :)
Modern History - 16/23
Music 1 10/13 FML
Spanish Continuers 3/5
Hospitality N/A
Never studied that much throughout the year, 6 weeks till today did 10 hours a day. Any chance at all I'll be getting at least a 75?
Been studying 8-11 hours a day for the past 5 weeks taken 3 break days. I come home every day, not a single 'how was your day?' Come home from all the exams I've done no comment either >:(
Just curious if I'm the only one.
Thanks ^^
ww1: Women or impact of battles in attempts to break stalemate.
Germany: praying for successes and failures of democracy leading to collapse. No idea really.
Personality: (Leni Riefenstahl)a) rise to prominence.. b) only Board of torture knows.
WW2: Battles questionss are usually the same, just...