Freaking out just a tad, I have modern in 10 days, done effective sudy over last 4 -5 weeks~ish but still need to soak in so much more content D:
Now the complication, I have Hospo on the 11th, haven't studied for it at all, just been so preocupied with other subjects (Spanish cont. and...
feeling pretty confident, felt like I answered the questions perfectly to the question, didn't digress off topic, all content was related to marking guidelines. Feeling pretty happy :) Paper 1 wasn't so good though haha. Congrats guys, it's over, never again!
I write 9-12 words a line, got 4 pages each module. How the heck do people wrote more than that? Physically impossible for me. Just wondering, did you guys get told to write the exact question you were answering on the front of the booklet under writing the 'examination:' part? We did o.o