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  1. S

    Is 13 units manageable?

    my worst subject currently is mathematics. But I can't drop it cos I still feel its important and I need something different to all my humanities subjects. That's why I want to stick to 12 or 13, because even as hard as I try, I can't trust that I can do really well at maths. It's not my forte...
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    Does the topic really matter to get a Band 6 in a PIP?

    I've been agonising over ideas for my PIP. A lot of people I've seen have done topics that stem to similar ideas such as multiculturalism, Islam, feminism, gender roles etc. and have done exceptionally well and gotten awards and prizes for their PIP. So if you were to take a common idea like...
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    Is 13 units manageable?

    Hi guys, So i'm doing 14 units at the moment, but I definitely need to drop. I do two extension subjects english and history. The question is whether I should drop one of my extensions to take the heavy workload off OR drop Italian Continuers so I can get study periods, and in effect have more...
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    State rank in Society

    I would agree from a 98 - 100. You have to be ranked 1st in your school and getting near 100 % averages. It flutuates obviously but you'd have to get a 99 or 100 to probably be safely on a top 10 state ranking. As some of you said 98 or 99 was only 10th. If a lot of people get this mark, they'll...
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    Is Society and Culture any good?

    Society and Culture - It is an inherently interesting subject - Certain generational theories and social theories can be hard to comprehend, and understanding the concepts in relation to society and culture can be hard to handle - Depending on how you see it there is a major work involved. If...
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    Tips to improve and do well in 2 unit advanced maths?

    Hi everyone, I've started year 12 now and I really need to improve in my two unit maths course. I think it's my worst subject but I don't want to drop it because I find it useful and I need a subject different to my other subjects. (the rest are all humanities subjects). The problem I'm having...
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    Merchant of Venice

    What do you need in terms of tips and advice For study guides, you should be able to find plenty with Schoomp and No Fear Shakespeare. For most Shakespearean texts, you can find them in school or local library - the study guides, and analysis. Libraries often have DVDs of the play which is...
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    French Continuers for HSC

    ok, cool thanks. Good luck with the HSC, hope the oral exam went okay :) I think I'll keep it for now. Its one of my more harder subjects but its so rewarding :) Any language is :)
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    Studying for HSC with 14 units

    I do Italian continuers through Open high school which is distance education as my school did not offer the subject. I think I'll go for maximum a term. I think I might drop history extension as it seems a lot of work for a 1 unit subject. I'll still have 13 units though. However if I drop a 2...
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    PIP topic ideas. What do examiners like?

    Hi, so its the holidays and I've been brainstorming PIP ideas. I need to find a topic first before I branch out. What types of topics do examiners like, or what approach should I take with the topic. Is it more about the research than the topic? What distinguishes an award winning PIP to an...
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    Economics notes - economic issues

    dude, this is the society and culture section.
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    Society and culture pip

    Hi, yeah. I'm doing Society and Culture and I'm also getting started on PIP ideas. In your school did you do a mini-PIP in year 11? Some schools do it to help you when the real PIP comes around. :) It might be able to help you. What's ur idea?? Once you've got your idea, research, research...
  13. S

    Does the PIP affect your school rank?

    The PIP will make up a significant part of your hsc mark, so yes. I would say if you do well in your PIP your on the right track to getting a good rank. It's better however if the majority of people in your class do well in their PIP like band 6s and high band 5s so in the final hsc, there will...
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    Could anyone recommend good textbooks

    Hi, so I'm starting year 12 next week (yikes!!) and I was just wondering if anyone knew some good textbook brands for: english advanced (discovery!) Modern and Ancient History Mathematics 2 unit (I'm doing not very well at it) French continuers I've heard Cambridge is good for maths and...
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    After school routine ?

    I get up to go to school at 6 a.m I AM SLEEP-DEPRIVED!!! On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 4. 00 - get back from school 4. 00 - 4.30 : get dressed, have something to eat. 4. 30 - 5.30: violin practice. 5. 30 - 5.55: shower, personal grooming 6. 00 - 7.30: Do homework, go over work for the...
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    What to drop?

    Consider what you are planning to do after school. If its science-related, perhaps consider keeping Chemistry for now, dropping it if it gets too hard and then continue with a bridging course. If you like Chemistry that's one good thing as so many people who don't do well in Chemistry are...
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    band 6 cut-off

    Okay, so I just wanted to ask a question about where does a band 6 cut-off in the hsc exam. So if you got a band 6 in ancient history in the hsc, meaning you got 90 or above does that mean you only lost 10 marks or does that mean that your raw mark got scaled up to a band 6. The chemistry...
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    Studying for HSC with 14 units

    my two extensions are english extension 1 and history ext.
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    Studying for HSC with 14 units

    Hi everyone, I am starting year 12 next term and I needed some tips for studying. I am starting year 12 with 14 units (including 2 extension subjects) and I will definitely drop something at the end of the first term but I need to see my results first. I needed some tips for studying. In year...
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    Atar estimate plz <3

    ur rankings in each subject r quite good. I'd say you should be able to achieve a 90+ atar