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  1. M

    Only a few days left...

    Nawww, thanks for the advice. :) I'd rep you, but i've been to much of a rep whore today :p
  2. M

    This might sound like a stupid question...

    Oh ok thanks.. We had to have related texts for module b for an in class assessment, would that have just been a form of preperation? Good luck..
  3. M

    This might sound like a stupid question...

    :confused: so... Belonging - yes Distinctively visual - ?? (Run Lola Run) Close study of a text - ?? (The curious incident of the dog in the night-time) Texts and society - into the world - ?? (Educating Rita) Sorry.. =/ I'm really lost now..
  4. M

    hey =)

    hey =)
  5. M

    Woman dies after car sliced in half

    :eek: meanie!!
  6. M

    Rate your school facilities

    :eek: So jealous... Our school seems so shit compared to that.. :mad1:
  7. M

    This might sound like a stupid question...

    Our class studied "The crious incident of the dog in the night-time" as our set text for this module. But for the assessment task we didn't need any related texts. Could I please clarify that, for all texts we study in class, we must have at least 2 related texts? OMG >_< I can't believe I...
  8. M

    All the answers to the Maths EXT 2 HSC paper!

    Hahahah :haha: Made me lol so much!
  9. M

    Only a few days left...

    Have you started? I have 3 assessments/assignments first week back.. :mad1: And one in the second week.. Should be studying now... FML :bomb:
  10. M

    Hey what are some alternative ways of studying for the DKT?

    This. Just do the practice test over and over until you get the hang of it. When I did my DKT, i basically got questions I had already done through the practice test.. Good luck. :)
  11. M

    Haha never mind.. Blonde moment.. >_< Thanks =) It turned out neutral, but thanks anyway.

    Haha never mind.. Blonde moment.. >_< Thanks =) It turned out neutral, but thanks anyway.
  12. M

    Rate your school's english teachers

    Back in yr 11 when I did advanced, my teacher was hilarious.. He would make jokes that were so lame they were funny.. For example: If someone asked to turn the fans on, he would pose like a movie star.. Nawww... i miss the good old days.. :o
  13. M

    what did i put? =/

    what did i put? =/
  14. M

    Feeling guilty...

    Yeah Bos is addictive :o You can deactivate facebook? *writes in notepad "must deactivate facebook ASAP"* :p
  15. M

    Woman dies after car sliced in half

    I'm a p plater... I'm saying I won't speed just to make you happy.. Get it? :shy:
  16. M

    Feeling guilty...

    I seem to be making a lot of polls today >_< I need to stop procrastinating... But like myself now, how many of you are feeling guilty for procrastinating, and just generally not wanting to do school work and/or studying for trials?
  17. M


    This as well except for both my parents..
  18. M

    5 unit subject?

    I think it's cute.. :o
  19. M

    Glad I could help :)

    Glad I could help :)
  20. M

    Woman dies after car sliced in half

    I promise I won't speed just for you.. :o :shy: