Work through it keeping in mind the context in which Romanticism was placed. It was a reaction to the Enlightenment of which the 'cog in the system' philosophy was influential. Romanticism is a celebration of the individual, the ordinary (extraordinary?).
Think about maybe incorporating in it a...
1. What's the title of your story? (Still Thinking)
2. What's the name of one of the main characters? Annie
3. Is/are they guys/girls? Girl.
4. What is one setting/location? Knowsley, England to Passchendaele, Belgium.
5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited...
Ahh, I diagree.
Nature is really the only thing that will stay constant in the lifetime of anything. Technology is created from the fruit of nature, everything is created from the natural and the organic, whichever form it may be in.
Romanticism may go in and out of fashion, but it is...
My problem is that I don't stress enough.
I SHOULD be studying right now, 4 hours till I stay up to 1-ish for cricket. But I just can't be bothered. I am so over everything.
I will study though, my nerves are ten times as bad as everyone come exam time, and I don't want my weird eye twitch...
She's such a Modernist.
I'm a Postmodernist, but not a 'fundamental' Postermodernist that everyone tries to classify me as.
I just think every explanation has equal merit, although the social merit of the explanation is decided by the momentum it gains within the people who are exposed to it.
Yep, he would have some kind of sense of belonging to his classmates, as tenuous as it may be. You don't go through 8 years of school like him having memorable experiences (importance on a seemingly insignificant event like playing chasings up and down Strathfield station), but in the end, he...
I asked my teacher the same thing, but she said Romanticism was more of a movement than a genre, so it can have aspects of the Romanticism in another era, but not be a Romantic text as Romanticism is about an era and the implications of the movement within the era (opposing Enlightenment and...
I interpreted 'fervently' as anxiety - something he needs to do quickly and thoroughly to prove a point. You can really see he doesn't want to be there (doesn't belong there?) through quotes like "like a foreign tourist" and "Taking the right hand turn/Out of Edgar street for good" (use of...
I always interpreted it as a sign of his rote learning. It contrasts with when he though the school motto was a brand of soap because he knows how to read & understand Latin now, although he doesn't feel the sense of affinity the responder would think he'd feel now that he understands it.
~40 minutes, mine is over 5 days only. Shiteload of extensions (well, only 3, but still) which means I get to school at 8 every morning without fail.
Meh, doesn't matter. I'm having fun at school for the first time in ages.
Trying to make sense of postmodernism in History is stressful enough without scrolling through the showcase and finding more pomo to make sense of.
The weird psychiatric evaluations may be attractive.. when something is abstract with no right or wrong you have a bigger playing field.
I rest, eat and drink for >99% of my non-school day :p
14 free periods a week ensures I have enough time to get homework and study done for the moment :)
I carry my journal with me to school every day, its easy because its so light anyway. Just jotting down things as they come to me so I can go back over ideas which I thought of but never really gave much credit to.
Also, wide reading of both fiction and non fiction and previous MW's.
I've written the first perspective introduction to my story, I've just been collecting information & working out language issues (my short story is set in early 20th century - language needs to be right so it sounds authentic) so far.
I feel as though I should finish it early because I have...