Nearly everyone does that awards thing. Ours got pretty slack (ie best couple was 2 guys)
But you know its true what they say, your year 10 formal is always better than your year 12 one. At least for us, because people kept leaving from the start, and only about one quarter of the people...
It's a two-way street, while creating a class of ghetto-ethnics, inevitably we have a class of gathered upsnots, breeding judgement and destroying any possibility of full-integration of these two ends of the class-continuum.
You can trace back any crime to greed, and the only difference...
if we let the private sector run the economy, we'd get a series of monopolies running the major industries, making our spending lives a living hell. there needs to be a government to instigate these regulatory authorities for a reason (ACCC etc).
There wouldn't be a government if it was ALL...
If the gov't sent out a receipt to australian citizens actually showing them how much they have contributed to the soil their sorry asses sit on, i bet this anti-govt bitching would quieten a bit.
Fellow muslims, remember what the teachers told us in primary school about bullies. They are attention whores, so ignore them, and eventually they'll find another race/religion to bag out in cowardly fear of the unravelment of their insecurities.
And if not, who cares? That's why...
Maybe the right to own a gun (via license) should follow a similar strict procedure to owning a driver's license. It should undergo a series of very strict tests of knowledge and application, and after all that, the owners would be much more inclined to use it wisely, especially if the bullet...
Lol, bcoz u ttlly wnt 2 b tlkn lyk dis 4 da rest of ur lyf, rite?
please...the only thing they really need to fix in english is stop making teachers so damn subjective in marking.