Search results

  1. R

    The Greatest Movie Soundtracks.

    I like soundtracks of Inception.
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    Interstellar Thread

    I have watched this movie and i really love this movie.
  3. R

    Has anyone watched Warm Bodies yet?

    The movie is basically stupid and predictable. Don't waste your time on it, it's not worth it.
  4. R

    Movies where you cry

    Agree with you.
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    The Wolf of Wall Street

    Fantastic movie! Great acting, fantastic cinematography. Prepare for non-stop laughter and enjoy the show! 5/5
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    harry potter dh pt2

    All movie are good but i like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Movie.
  7. R

    Hey guys, What is your favorite movie ?

    The Avengers is my favorite movie.
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    Catching Fire

    I have watched this movie. Story of this movie is good.
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    What are some good movie classics?

    I think Freaky Friday is best movie.
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    Trailers thread

    I have watched this movie. It was ok! Not as good as the original or the 2006 remake but still good in a way i guess! Just didn't like the ending morally! 7/10
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    Zero Dark Thirty

    Video is not working for me.
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    Which is your favorite Iron Man film?

    Iron Man 2 . I like this movie.
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    Fifty Shades of Grey Movie - yay!!

    I have watched this movie. i guess i can no longer say "a better love story than twilight".
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    best movie endings?

    I like the ending of TOY STORY 3 (2010). I love this movie.
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    Favourite Director

    Justin Lin is my favorite director.
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    Best Movie Series?

    Fast and furious movie series is one of the best movie series. I have watched all movies of this series and i really like this series. now i am waiting for part 8 of this movie.
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    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    I think Battlefield Earth is the shittest movie. I don't like this movie.
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    Last movie you watched? And what you thought of it?

    Last time i watched the avengers movie. I really like this movie and will give 10/10
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    Favourite Movies.

    Shawshank Redemption Babel The Lord of the Rings Fight Club Stranger Than Fiction First Descent The Dark Knight Hot Fuzz Tropic Thunder Kiki's Delivery Service The Place Promised in our Early Days Walking Tall (I know, I know...) Shaolin Soccer