hi there im doing 'Birthday letters" for Module C and i have an in class essay to do but i dont really understand the question, if anyone can help that would be fantastic.
> 'conflicting perspectives of any event, personality or situation are a result of the ways the composer represents them'...
Compling comprehensive summaries organises subject material efficiently and etches it indelibly in your mind.
Summarising from texts
- following are some commonly used and depenable methods.
Outlining, which involves identifying
- main points/ ideas
- assembling supporting material...
Your teachers will set specific deadlines for assignments and essays to be completed and submitted by a date.
- extensions of time are usaally only granted in cases of illness and extreme circumstances
It is imperative for you to set in place a definite Timeline for your drafting to follow...
i found these in my school diary and thought that i would post them for everyone out there.
In the weeks leading up to the exams you must adopt a more disciplined attitude
Your performance in the exams is vital to your success; it's really a 'once only' competition
- look at them positively...
There are definite tricks for the Exam trade that will be benefit your results.
They depend on the type of Exam question
Multiple choice
true -false
short answer
matching answers
filling in the gap
Following are some strategies for each type.
Multiple choice
eliminate obviously...
Please someone out there learning about the Greece world that could make me understand about the revolt.... PLEASE I will try to help you with a question of yours
hi there, does anyone know any information or where to get information about the Ionian revolt. My teacher gave out a diagram to us to learn but its confusing and im getting tested on it in my trial which is a 25 mark essay on the Ionian Revolt.
Any help will do.
Hi there, does any one know what this question means.....
'two responders are arguing about whose story this really is'.
One states that it is Patrick's and the workers. The other is saying it is the story of the women clara and alice.
>Compose their discussion/arguement including...
hey there,
i have two questions that need a bit more information as i have to write about 2 pages for each question..
1) Explain the basis of Agrippina's power and influence in the Julio claudian period. 10 marks
2) Assess ancient or modern interpretations of Agrippina. 15 marks
if any one...
For me its not that much harder. i just did my prelim for 3 subjects and have moved onto year 12. But the biggest thing is to study what you learn in Prelim because it will help. maybe studying 6 subjects might be challenging but use time management and you will do fine.
hey there, i have a speech to do on Who's afraid of Virginia woolf"? & A rooms of one's own. i have a task to do, if anyone can help that would be grateful.
the task:
You are a student of Sociology and you are interested in researching particular periods of the Twentieth century. You are...
Hi i need help... i would like some techniques that present relevant ideas about belonging in 'Cats in the Cradle' by Harry Clapin \
i was thinking about repetition for the lines 'and the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon...little boy blue and the man on the moon' but how does this...