Thanks to CSSA's in-competencies I had 5 exams in 4 days including Maths right next to English then Legal and Business content heavy
Only did 2 Maths past papers
will show in my results. Thanks god for SOR + strong cohort lol
2015: criminal investigation process
2014: international crime
2013: sentencing and punishment
2012: discretion
2011: young offenders with stimulus
Anyone thinking compliance/non-compliance or moral and ethical standards? Maybe Trial Process?
How can global financial management strategies respond to global market influences and government influences?
Can someone please give me some examples of what I could talk about.
What would roughly these ranks roughly get
English Advanced: 6/45
Mathematics Adv: 21/38
Legal Studies: 4/39
Business Studies: 5/60
Economics: 4/11
SOR1: 8/40
School Rank: 130s
What ideas in relation to discovery are conveyed in this painting?
Any good techniques also? thankyou :)
Just another estimate with these subjects please:
1/60 - Business Studies
2/12 - Economics
8/45 - Maths
10/24 - Ext 1 Maths
3/40 - SOR1
4/20 - Modern Greek Continuers
6/40 - English Advanced
School Rank 130s
The Cambridge one comes with a toolkit which has m/c questions, short answers and extended response questions.
If you want specific short answer questions with sample solutions, get the Dot Point.
But honestly, Cambridge + internet research + a bit of excel seems to be a good combo.
I failed 3/4 of 5.3 Maths Exams in Year 10.
I tried a little harder Task 1/2 of Prelim, got 70%ish, Task 3 I barely studied and got 50%, but for the Prelim Exam I decided to knuckle down. Went very well.
Year 12 course so far is easy because I'm working very hard.
Lesson: harder you work...
"Discoveries can enhance and renew our understanding about ourselves and others"
Could Meatworks connect to that in anyway? If so, how?
Which of Gray's poems work best with this questions?