oh man imagine dying by firing squad that shit is gnarly
ok from now on say what you would eat and how you would want to be executed, the list can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_methods_of_capital_punishment
i would eat what i posted above + while watching season 1 of...
I don't like anyone
I'd rather be single and have fun
I banged a boy who went to Knox
then I banged his friend, he had a bigger cock
I am not a slut, I swear
I was drunk and he was there
Neither of them objectified me;
They didn't finish then call a taxi
Sorry this story lacked engaging...
rip kfnmpah
protein shake
pita bread pizza (pita bread, lite pizza cheese, tomato paste, fresh basil)
satay chicken skewer
roll of sushi
carrot and organic pumpkin dip
haven't you ever had moussakas? greek lasagne made with eggplant and potato slices instead of lasagna sheets?
delicious. but yeah, no potato for me.
And roo mince instead because it's leaner and i used a whole bag of cheese hehehe
so pasta with shredded chicken... what kind of pasta? i'm...
mate are you simple or sumfin
$7 deal bro. pie.sausage roll, any drink (excl. mother) and any dessert item for $7
3 scrambled eggs with cheese and spinach
95g tin of tuna
roo lasagne (with eggplant instead of lasagna sheets)
more lasagna
celery and spicy capsicum dip
oi whose alt account are you?
zara is awful, in australia anyway. it is way over priced here.
i get most of my clothes from kmart. seriously, lately they have had some amazing stuff. corduroy pants, cute jackets etc.
also portmans, online (asos, forever21), idk
i pick up bits and pieces at...
4 scrambled eggs with cheese and spinach
hot almond milk with cinnamon and sweetener
chicken, asparagus, carrot and broccoli
natural peanut butter
a green apple cut into slices with natural peanut butter or cheese slices on top
post workout shake
kangaroo mince eggplant lasagna
glass of red wine...
ummmmmm i dunno
british lolly shops or places in the city/around central?
there is definitely a place around the city because when i worked in the hospital, some of the clin pharms bought us a 1.2kg bag or the mini ones as a 'thank you' gift
ok i read that post of yours.
kangaroo mince is delicious, it is one of the leanest meats ever and probably the leanest red meat.
high quality protein, no fat
i'm on a high fat, high protein diet, but i had like a whole bag of cheese in my lasagna that I had to make room for
scrambled eggs
lasanga (made with kangaroo mince and egg plant instead of lasagna sheets)
3 resses peanut butter cups
more lasagna
protein shake (post workout)
red wine
4 eggs scrambled with cheese and spinach
95g tin of tuna, 23 almonds
chicken and vegetables with salad and cheese
natural yogurt with sugar free jelly, frozen raspberries and a tsp peanut butter
and regarding BCAAs and all other amino acids, you can find them all in food
that's what a ~complete~ protein is it has the 9 essential amino acids. there are more than aren't essential, but you can find them all in animal products.
then you've got things like soy and grain products that...
bro you need fat in your diet
edit: at omar jan
there is no reason to be having more than 1 a day, and it's best post workout when you need to deliver protein quickly to your cells.